Posters and presentations


June 01-04

Conference: FEAST Honk Hong

Title: A preliminary study on causatives in Italian Sign Language (talk)


June 23-25

Conference: FEAST Paris, France Title: Typology of compounds in phonological perspective (poster)


Sept. 26-28

Conference: TISLR Hambourg, Germany Title: Typological perspective on compounds in LIS and LSF (poster)


Nov. 9-11

Conference: 4º Convegno nazionale LIS Rome, Italy Title: Composti sequenziali vs. simultanei in LIS: un approccio sperimentale

Conference: 4º Convegno nazionale LIS Rome, Italy Title: Il soggetto nullo nella LIS: Uno studio tratto dal corpus PRIN (poster)

Oct. 29-30

Conference: IIIè Recontres interdisciplinaire franco-brésiliennes: Surdité, Singularité et Universalité. Paris VIII Paris, France Title: Expérience sur les mots composés séquentiels et simultanés en LSF

Sept. 28-30

Conference: SSLL, Osaka, Japan Title: Typological Perspectives on Compounds in LIS and LSF

July 25-26

Workshop: Sign language grammars trough the formal and experimental glass, Rethymnon, Greece

Title: Typological Perspectives on Compounds in LIS and LSF

Feb. 05

Seminar: Paris VIII University. Paris, France Title: Compounds in French Sign Language


Oct. 20-22

Conference: RCAB Dubrovnik, Croatia Conflict in Sign Language Agreement Title: Conflict in Sign Language Agreement: the case of backwards verbs (talk to be presented with Carlo Geraci, Lara Mantovan and Mirko Santoro)

Sept. 22-24

Conference: SSLL, Osaka, Japan Title: Compounds in Italian Sign Language (LIS)

Feb. 15-17

Conference: IGG Pavia Title: Agreement in Sign Language: the case of backwards verbs (talk to be presented with Carlo Geraci, Lara Mantovan and Mirko Santoro)

Feb. 08

Seminar: Language Seminar, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris Title: Compounds in Italian Sign Language

Jan. 18

Seminar: Language Seminar, Intsitut Jean Nicod, Paris Title: Temporal clauses in Italian Sign Language (talk to be presented with Carlo Geraci and Vita Maria Valentina Aristodemo)


Nov. 9-11

Conference: Grammar and Corpora, IDS, Mannheim, Germany

Title: A sociolinguistic view on variable subjects in Italian Sign Language

(talk to be presented with Carlo Geraci, Lara Mantovan and Valentina Aristodemo)

Sept. 22-24

Conference: Società Linguistica Italiana (SLI) 2016 Workshop on “Subortination in spoken and Sign Language”

title: Temporal clauses in Italian Sign Language

(talk to be presented with V. Aristodemo)

Sept. 1-2

Conference: FEAST Venice

title: Temporal clauses in Italian Sign Language

(talk to be presented with V. Aristodemo and Carlo Geraci)

title: Sequential and simultaneous compounds in LIS (poster)

July. 18-22

Conference: 7th Conference of the international Society for Gesture Studies ISGS, Paris

title: Absolute adjectives: Signs Vs. Gestures

(talk to be presented with C Geraci and V.Aristodemo)

Feb. 22-26

Conference: DGfS 2016, Konstanz Germany

title: Backward agreement is not so backward after all: the role of loci in the grammar of SL

(talk presented with C. Geraci, V. Aristodemo, L. Mantovan)


Conference: TISLR 12, Melbourne, Australia

title: Variable subjects in LIS: a corpus study

(poster presented with C. Geraci, L. Mantovan)


Conference: Digging into Signs

Title: Italian Sign Language (LIS) Corpus

(talk presented with C. Geraci)


Conference: TISLR

Title: The SAME VP ellipsis in Italian Sign Language (LIS)

(Poster presented with C. Cecchetto, A. Checchetto, C. Geraci, A. Zucchi)

Conference: TISLR

Title: Cross-over in Sign Language

(Poster presented with C. Geraci)


Conference: Vigo

Title: The SAME VP ellipsis in Italian Sign Language (LIS)

(Talk presented with C. Cecchetto, A. Checchetto, C. Geraci, A. Zucchi)


Conference: La lingua dei segni italiana: Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione (LIS: Grammar and Lexical Variation), Venice.

Title: Annotare il corpus di LIS: individuare i fenomeni e codificarli con ELAN (Annotating the LIS corpus: finding linguistic phenomena and coding with ELAN).

(Talk presented with Fabio Poletti)


Conference: LREC 2010, 4th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies (CSLT), La Valletta, Malta.

22 - 23 May, 2010.

Title: Why are you raising your eyebrows?

(Poster presented with: G. Conte, A. Cardinaletti and C. Geraci)

Title: Building a corpus for Italian Sign Language: Methodological issues and some preliminary results.

(Poster presented with: R. Bayley, C. Branchini, A. Cardinaletti, C. Cecchetto, C. Geraci, C. Donati, S. Giudice, E. Mereghetti, F. Poletti, and S. Zucchi)


Conference: TUTTI UGUALI, TUTTI DIVERSI. Convegno sulle Disabilità Sensoriali (All Together, All Diverse. A Sensory Disability Conference), Verona.

23-24 January, 2009

Title: La Lingua Italiana dei Segni: risorsa per la persona sorda (LIS and Deaf Gain).


Conference: Workshop on Grammatica della lingua dei segni italiana, Venice

16-17 May, 2007.

Title: Comparative correlatives in LIS

(Talk presented with: Carlo Geraci).