Ryuji Sano
佐野 隆司 Ryuji SANO
横浜国立大学 大学院国際社会科学研究院(経済学部) 准教授
〒240-8501 神奈川県横浜市保土ヶ谷区常盤台79-4
E-mail: sano-ryuji-cx[atmark]ynu.ac.jp
( [atmark] → @ )
Post-auction Investment by Financially Constrained Bidders, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 213, 105742, 2023
Dynamic Slot Allocations with Different Patience Levels, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 130, pp. 465-473, 2021
wp version includes analysis of the case without contingent contracts and a formal proof regarding unobservable entry
Dynamic Communication Mechanism Design, Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 57, pp. 163-180, 2021
old version (June 2019), formerly entitled "Iterative Revelation Mechanisms"
An Equilibrium Analysis of a Core-Selecting Package Auction with Reserve Prices, Review of Economic Design, Vol. 22, pp. 101-122, 2018
wp version / formerly entitled "An Equilibrium Analysis of a Package Auction with Single-Minded Bidders"
Sequential Auctions of Heterogeneous Objects (with Akitoshi Muramoto), Economics Letters, Vol. 149, pp. 49-51, 2016 (wp version)
Vickrey-Reserve Auctions and an Equilibrium Equivalence, Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 65, pp.112-117, 2013 (wp version)
Non-Bidding Equilibrium in an Ascending Core-Selecting Auction, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 74, pp. 637-650, 2012
Incentives in Core-Selecting Auctions with Single-Minded Bidders, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 72, pp. 602-606, 2011
Working Papers
Uncertain Quality Evaulation in Procurement Auctions (with Masanori Tsuruoka) (2025)
A Virtual Valuation Approach to Optimal Multi-object Auction Design (ver. May 2024)
An old version (2022)
A Dynamic Mechanism Design with Different Deadlines and Multi-unit Demands (2017)
A Dynamic Mechanism Design for Scheduling with Different Use Lengths (2015)
Subgame Perfect Equilibrium of Ascending Combinatorial Auctions (2015)
Work in Progress
Sequential auctions with budget constraints (with Akitoshi Muramoto)
Book, Book Chapter, and etc.
「オークション理論と設計:ミルグロムとウィルソンの貢献」, 『経済セミナー』2021年2・3月号, 日本評論社, 2021.
『収入最大化のメカニズムデザイン』, 三菱経済研究所, 2019.
「コア選択オークション」, 坂井豊貴編著, 『メカニズムデザインと意思決定のフロンティア』, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2014. (関連する、近年の周波数オークションで用いられている「組み合わせ時計オークション」についての解説雑文)
「オークションの理論と現実への応用」, 『経済セミナー』2014年10・11月号, 日本評論社, 2014.
"Incentives and Equilibrium in Auctions with Package Bidding" (組み合わせ入札におけるインセンティブと均衡)、東京大学、2011年3月