Students Follow Up

Here, with the agreement of the involved persons, there is the actual position of my past students (update on 5/1/2015)

  • Kamal Boulil - Postdoc Laboratoire d'informatique de tours, Equipe BdTln

  • Elodie edoh-alove - Responsable GIS and Web GIS at GEOSYSTEMS

  • Lama EL SARRAJ - ATER at IUT, Aix-Marseille université

  • El Mehdi LAHLOU - Consultant BI of CGI

  • Mouna Snoussi - ATER at Université Lyon2

  • Nguyen Thi Van Anh - Phd at university of Caen

  • Rabi Bzikha - Business intelligence engineer at banque de France

  • Hassan NAZIH - Consultant SI at Capgemini

  • Olivier Machabert - Consultant EDF

  • Lucile Sautot. PostDoc at LIRIS, Lyon (