
Workshop Visualization & HCI for Crowd-Sourcing

25th June Clermont Ferrand

With the support of :

GDR CNRS IG-RV (Informatique Géométrique et Graphique, Réalité Virtuelle et Visualisation)


GT Visualisation


GDR CNRS MAGIS (Méthodes et Applications pour la Géomatique et l'Information Spatiale)


Action Prospective VGI et Crowdsourcing

This day aims to bring together the actors, academics and industrialists of the French community in visualization and HCI, to discuss

and with the support of the ANR project VGI4bio






DEADLINE 31 MAI 2019 envoyer un mail à


The term crowdsourcing was first introduced in 2006 to describe a new marketplace whereby anyone having Internet access (also known as the crowd) could contribute to the completion of a task for free or in exchange for a monetary reward.

Over the years, crowdsourcing became a well-accepted marketplace for recruiting large groups of participants for empirical research in diverse disciplines.

This led to the era of crowd science and the definition of passive versus active crowdsourcing. Crowsourcing data is most common task: data can be provided via several different sources such as social networks, open data, volunteers’ activities, etc. However, volunteers also participate in completion of other tasks, such as testing applications, comments on products, etc. Crowdsourcing activities can be handled in individual processes but also using collaborative systems (ex: group decision systems, Web 2.0 systems, etc.). Visualization in crowdsourcing systems raises several issues since it must take into account taking into account the particularities of (i) data (such as data quality, privacy, …) (ii) users (credibility, unskilled IT users, …), (iii) tasks (collaboration, complexity, etc.).

This workshop will be a cross-disciplinary event allowing researchers to discuss about any issues concerning Visualization/HCI and Crowdsourcing. The main goal is to create collaborations among researchers about research topics (with oral presentations), developed systems and tools (with demo presentations), on-going and/or future projects to define some possible research topics and consortium, and finally creation/participation to academic courses.

Topics are (not exhaustive list):

- Recommendation and visualization of crowdsourced data

- Collaborative visualisation

- Visualization/HCI and Business Intelligence integration in crowdsourcing systems

- Visualization/HCI and group decision system integration in crowdsourcing systems

- Social Web Oriented HCI/Visualization

- Human centered systems

- Human-machine interface for crowdsourcing

- Privacy, confidentiality and privacy by design issues in crowdsourcing systems

- Design, Evaluation and Testing of crowdsourcing systems

- ...

Deadline : abstract proposal 30th April 2019


Sandro Bimonte, IRSTEA, TSCF, Clermont Ferrand

Cyril de Runz, CReSTIC, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne


Julien Tierny, Univ Sorbonne, Paris

Guillaume Touya, LASTIG, IGN