
A talk on the approximate realisation of spacetime for the Geneva Symmetry Group.

A TEDx talk on the idea that time does not exist. 

A short talk for the public on beauty in mathematics and art, held at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery.

An advertisement made for the logic summer school at the University of Western Australia, featuring Sara Linton in her acting debut and me in my voice-over debut.

A talk I gave on presentism and black holes to the FramePhys project at the University of Birmingham.

A talk on the idea that time doesn't exist at all, given at Ovrannaz in Switzerland. 

A talk on combining Dialethism and the A-theory of time, delivered at the Time and Contradiction Workshop at the University of Geneva in 2023.

Appearance on Fraser Cain's popular youtube channel. Fraser Cain is a science journalist interested in philosophy.