Media Articles

Philosophers have studied 'counterfactuals' for decades. Will they help us unlock the mysteries of AI?

The Conversation

An article on explainable AI and the use of counterfactuals as a basis for giving explanations of how AI systems work.

We want and we fear emotions in our robots. Here's what science fiction can teach us about flashes of emotion from Bing.

The Conversation

An article on emotional robots in science fiction and in the real world.

Are blackholes time machines? Yes, but there's a catch.

The Conversation

An article on the use of wormholes as time-machines and how this can turn you into pasta.

Did physicists make a wormhole in the lab? Not quite, but a new experiment hints at the future of quantum simulations

The Conversation

An article on the alleged implementation of a wormhole in a quantum computer.

A new book about 12 experiments that changed the world sidelines the role of beautiful theory in physics.

The Conversation

A review of Suzy Sheey's book "The Matter of Everything"

In the new Disney Pixar movie Lightyear, time gets bendy. Is time travel real, or just science fiction?

The Conversation

An article discussing Buzz Lightyear's troubles with time.

Curious kids: what would happen if someone moved at twice the speed of light?

The Conversation

An article explaining to kids some aspects of relativity.

Time might not exist, according to physicists and philosophers - but that's okay.

The Conversation

An article discussing the idea that time doesn't exist, and the role that this reasons why one might endorse such a view.

Pythagors' revenge: humans didn't invent mathematics, it's what the world is made of.

The Conversation

An article explaining the idea behind Pythagoreanism: the claim that the world is, in some sense, made of mathematical objects.

Curious Kids: What's Energy Made Of?

The Conversation

An article for kids on energy.

Gun-toting robo-dogs look like a dystopian nightmare. That’s why they offer a powerful moral lesson

The Conversation

An article on the moral implications of using dog-like robots for killing.

How Animals See Time 

Institute of Art and Ideas

An article on time perception in animals, and what that can teach us about the nature of time.

Is Space Finite? We Asked 5 Experts

The Conversation

An interview on the extent of space.

Curious Kids: Is Light a Wave or a Particle?

The Conversation

An answer to a 15-year old Ishan from Dubai's question.

New warp drive research dashes faster than light dreams - but reveals stranger possibilities.

The Conversation

A piece discussing some recent developments in warp drive technology.

New physics at the Large Hadron Collider? Scientists are excited, but it’s too soon to be sure.

The Conversation

A news article on recent work at CERN involving particle decay not predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics.

Biden’s pivot to science is welcome — Trump only listened to experts when it suited him

The Conversation

A piece on Trump's troubled relationship with science.

Curious Kids: could our entire reality be part of a simulation created by some other beings?

The Conversation

An answer to a 9th grader's question about aliens and reality.

A new kind of physics? Stephen Wolfram has a radical plan to build the universe from dots and lines

The Conversation

An outline of Stephen Wolfram's suggestion for a new physics.

Explainer: the fifth dimension

The Conversation

An explanation of how higher time dimensions might be discovered by the Large Hadron Collider and what this might mean.