
BOUNDLESS COMPASSION  (3 times through)

Absorbing world sounds awakens a Buddha right here!

This Buddha, the source of compassion!

This Buddha receives only compassion!

Buddha, Dharma, Sangha -- just compassion.

Thus, the pure heart always rejoices!

In the light recall this!

In the dark recall this!

Moment after moment the true heart arises.

Time after time there is nothing but THIS!


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, doing deep Prajna Paramita,

Clearly saw Emptiness of all the five conditions,

Thus completely relieving misfortune and pain.

Oh Shariputra, form is no other than emptiness, emptiness no other than form;

Form is exactly emptiness, emptiness exactly form;

Sensation, conception, discrimination, awareness are also like this;

Oh Shariputra, all Dharmas are forms of emptiness, not born, not destroyed;

Not stained, not pure, without loss, without gain;

So in emptiness there is no form, no sensation, conception, discrimination, awareness;

No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind;

No color, sound, smell, taste, touch, phenomena;

No realm of sight, no realm of consciousness;

No ignorance and no end to ignorance…

No old age and death and no end to old age and death;

No suffering, no cause of suffering, no extinguishing, no path;

No wisdom and no gain. No gain and thus,

The Bodhisattva lives Prajna Paramita,

With no hindrance in the mind, no hindrance, therefore no fear, 

Far beyond deluded thoughts, this is Nirvana.

All past, present, and future Buddhas live prajna Paramita,

And therefore attain Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi.

Therefore know, Prajna Paramita is the great mantra, the vivid mantra, the best mantra, 

the Unsurpassable mantra;

It completely clears all pain - this is the truth, not a lie.

So set forth the Prajna Paramita mantra,

Set forth this mantra and say;

Gate! Gate! Paragate! Parasamgate! Bodhi Svaha!

Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra. 

Dedication (chant leader):

May this compassionate dana be extended to all those in need especially to:......

(pause for folks to say the names of friends & family members)

And May we practice, realize and embody the enlightened way together!

All Buddhas throughout space and time.

All Honored Ones, Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas,

Wisdom Beyond Wisdom.

Maha Prajna Paramita.