St. Martin Slideshow

Our new church entrance

Funeral Arrangements

To make funeral arrangements please contact the Church Office at 613-828-6720.

Bake Sale 

Weekend of February 15 th & 16 th 2025 the CWL will be holding a BAKE sale (pies, cookies, buns, breads and other homemade treats) in the church basement after all Masses. There will also be a RAFFLE for a large gift basket. Tickets for the raffle can be bought starting on the February 08th and 09th after all Masses as well as on the day of the bake sale. Proceeds fund parish/community activities. 

Thank you for your support.

St. Martin de Porres Parish Bulletin

February 9th Bulletin

***Special thanks to Diane Valiquette for updating our weekly bulletins!!!

Mass Schedule

Weekday Masses: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:30 a.m.

Friday Mass followed by the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 - 12:00

Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5:00 p.m.

  Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.

Please Note: Request Forms for the Sacraments are found on the Sacrament Page of the website.

Diocesan Updates

Click HERE to for latest diocese updates.

Diocesan Newsletter 

You can sign up to receive the diocesan monthly newsletter "Parakletos" by clicking this link and moving down near the bottom of the webpage to subscribe - it will be emailed to interested subscribers each month.

West Ottawa Interfaith

Those wishing to donate money to support the homeless are encouraged to do so online;

Shepherds of Good Hope:

Ottawa Mission:

Cornerstone Housing for Women:

Salvation Army:

Prayers for the Sick

If you wish to add a name, please contact the office and leave the name of the person that you wish to have remembered in "Prayers Requested for the Sick and In Need" section.

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