Submitted papers

Journal Submitted Papers:

    1. TV Sreenivas and Ch. Srikanth Raj: ''Comparison of greedy reconstruction algorithms for CS signal
    2. recovery," submitted to IET Signal Processing, Dec 2010.
    3. Mrugesh R Gajjar, TV Sreenivas and R Govindarajan, ''Fast Computation of Gaussian Likelihoods using Low-rank Matrix Approximations," submitted to Computer, Speech and Language (AP), Jun 2010.
    4. M.R. Gajjar, T.V. Sreenivas and R. Govindarajan, “Fast acoustic likelihood computation through optimum low-rank approximation of likelihood matrix,” submitted to IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, May 2009.
    5. Achintya Kundu, Saikat Chatterjee, and TV Sreenivas: “Split Vector Enhancement of Noisy Speech Using Gaussian Mixture Model,” IEEE Tr. Audio, Speech and Lang. Proc., under review, May 2008.
    6. Chandra Sekhar, S. and TV Sreenivas: “Multiband AM-FM quantization using perceptual criteria,” revision under review, IEEE Tr. Audio, Speech and Lang. Proc., Dec 2008.
    7. Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Low complexity and scalable VQ of wideband LSFs using GMM with uncorrelated Gaussians,” revision under review, IEEE Tr. Audio, Speech and Lang. Proc., Mar 2008.
    8. Achintya Kundu, Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “ Transform Domain Split Vector Enhancement of Noisy Speech Using Gaussian Mixture Model,” submitted to IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, Apr 2008.
    9. Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Analysis-by-synthesis Based Switched Transform Domain Split VQ Using Gaussian Mixture Model,” submitted to IEEE Sig. Proc. Letters Feb 2008.
    10. Chandra Sekhar S and TV Sreenivas: “Zero-crossing based envelope and frequency estimation,” IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Lang. Proc., Jan 2007. (not accepted)
    11. Basavaraja SV and TV Sreenivas: “Acoustic Sub-word units and Robust Language Modeling for Spoken Language Identification,” not accepted IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Lang. Proc., Feb 2007.
    12. Suresh K and TV Sreenivas: “Direct MDCT domain psychoacoustic modeling,” not accepted EURASIP J. App. Signal Proc., Jan 2007.
    13. Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Delay-less Quantization of Correlated Gaussian Random Variables using Conditional PDF,” submitted to DSP Review Journal, Jan 2007.
    14. Harash K. Sharma and TV Sreenivas: “Experimental Evaluation of Discriminant Measures for Speaker Segmentation,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, March 2005. (not accepted)
    15. Prasanta K. Ghosh, Anindya Sarkar and TV Sreenivas: “ALCR and ESTL: Novel temporal features and their application to speech segmentation,” submitted to Signal Processing (Elsevier), May 2006.
    16. Prasanta K. Ghosh and TV Sreenivas: “Extrema based unwarping for time-varying pitch estimation,” IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, Sep 2005. (not accepted)
    17. Prasanta K. Ghosh and TV Sreenivas: “Signal reconstruction from non-uniform samples and its application to speech coding,” Revision submitted to Signal Processing Journal (Elsevier), Feb 2006.
    18. Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Transparent quality LSF quantization using 2-D DPCM and MIHMW distance measure,” IEEE Trans. Speech and Audio Proc., July 2005. (not accepted)
    19. A Sreenivasa Murthy, S Chandra Sekhar and TV Sreenivas: “Adaptive window minimum mean square error estimation,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., Apr 2004. (not accepted)
    20. S Chandra Sekhar and TV Sreenivas: “Time-varying filtering for improved IF estimation,” submitted to IEE Electronic Letters,, May 2004.
    21. Mukundh N and TV Sreenivas: ‘Product-HMM: A novel class of HMMs for sub-sequence modelling,’ submitted to J. Acoust. Soc. Am., March 2002. (not accepted)
    22. GSV Uma Kishore and TV Sreenivas: ‘Robust word boundary detection in noise,’ submitted to IEEE Signal Proc. Letters, Jan 2002.
    23. TV Sreenivas and S Stalin, ‘Pruned neural network dichotomizer for phoneme classification,’ submitted to IEE Proc. Vision, Image and Signal Processing. (not accepted)
    24. TV Sreenivas and S Stalin, ‘Decision region expansion in neural network classifiers,’ submitted to Pattern Recognition Letters Feb 1996. (not accepted)
    25. AS Prabhavathy and TV Sreenivas, ‘Robust frequency estimation using multi-level crossing intervals,’ submitted to J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
    26. TV Sreenivas and RJ Niederjohn, ‘Growing Line Segment (GLS) algorithm for determining formant contours from noisy spectral data,’ submitted to Speech Communication.

Conference Submitted Papers:

    1. Neeraj K. Sharma. and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Enhanced Stochastic Resonance model for Multi-tone Detection,"submitted to Proc. IEEE Int Conf. Acoust. Speech, Signal Proc.(ICASSP), Kyoto, Mar 2012.
    2. Harshavardhan, S. and T.V. Sreenivas, ''REGION SHRINKING AND NON-LINEAR OPTIMIZATION
    4. Int Conf. Acoust. Speech, Signal Proc.(ICASSP), Kyoto, Mar 2012.
    5. Harshavardhan, S. and T.V. Sreenivas, ''CONFIDENCE OF TIME DELAY ESTIMATES: A NOVEL
    7. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov. 2011
    8. Harshavardhan, S. and T.V. Sreenivas, ''LOCALIZATION THROUGH REGION SHRINKING USING
    9. SIGN OF TIME DELAY ESTIMATES," submitted to IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, and
    10. Computers, Nov. 2011.
    11. T. Vijaykumar, Harshavardhan, S. T.V. Sreenivas, ''A GMM BASED MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD AP-
    13. 2011.
    14. Neeraj K. Sharma and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Stochastic Resonance Based Multitone Detection: An Auditory Model Linkage," submitted to Interspeech, Aug. 2011.
    15. Sayan Ghosh, K. Vijay Girish and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Relationship Between Indian Languages Using Bigram Language Models," submitted to Interspeech, Aug. 2011.
    16. Harshavardhan, S. and T.V. Sreenivas, ''INSIGHTS INTO RANDOM PLACEMENT OF MULTIPLE
    17. MICROPHONES FOR SOURCE LOCALIZATION" submitted to ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czek Republic.
    18. Tarun, K. and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Multi Sensor Compressvie Sensing of Reverberant Speech," submitted to Proc. INTERSPEECH, Chiba, Sep 2010.
    19. Manasa, M. and T.V Sreenivas, “Eigenspace based MLLR sub-matrix for improved Speaker Adaptation,” submitted to Interspeech 2009.
    20. Narayana, K.V.S. and T.V Sreenivas, “Robust Speech Recognition Using Spectro-Temporal Features and GMM Based Speech Enhancement,” submitted to Interspeech 2009.
    21. M.R. Gajjar, T.V Sreenivas and R. Govindarajan, “Fast acoustic likelihood computation using low-rank matrix approximation,” submitted to Interspeech 2009.
    22. T.V. Sreenivas and Nadir, C.I. “Matrix Quantization based speech enhancement and second stage Wiener filtering,” submitted to IEEE Int Conf. Acoust. Speech, Signal Proc., Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 2009.
    23. S.V. Basavaraja, T.V. Sreenivas, Sridhar G., “VOCAL/NON-VOCAL CLASSIFICATION AND SEGMENTATION OF MUSIC SIGNALS USING A DISCRIMINANT CODEBOOK APPROACH,” submitted to IEEE Int Conf. Acoust. Speech, Signal Proc., Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 2009.
    24. P Srinivas, V Ramasubramanian and TV Sreenivas: “Stochastic pronunciation modeling based on pruned ergodic-HMM,” submitted to IEEE Int Conf. Acoust. Speech, Signal Proc., Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 2009.
    25. Nishanth Ulhas Nair and T.V. Sreenivas, “SELECTIVE TRAINING FOR HIDDEN MARKOV MODELS USING VIRTUAL PATTERNS,” submitted to INTERSPEECH 2008, Brisbane, Australia, 2008.
    26. Saikat Chatterjee and T.V. Sreenivas, “Analysis-by-synthesis Based Switched Transform Domain Split VQ,” submitted to INTERSPEECH 2008, Brisbane, Australia, 2008.
    27. Krishna Nand, K. and TV Sreenivas: “INSIGHT INTO NATURE OF CONSTRAINTS IN ITERATIVE WIENER FILTERING FOR SPEECH ENHANCEMENT,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc., 2008.
    28. Sriram Ganapathy and TV Sreenivas: “Eigenvoice adaptation of acoustic sub-word models,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc., 2008.
    29. Nishanth Nair and TV Sreenivas: “CONSTRAINED MULTI PATTERN VITERBI ALGORITHM FOR JOINT DECODING OF MULTIPLE NOISY SPEECH PATTERNS,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc., 2008.
    30. Narayana KVS and TV Sreenivas: “NOISE ROBUSTNESS OF AM-FM DECOMPOSITION USING ZERO CROSSING INTERVALS AND LOCAL PEAKS,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc., 2008.
    31. Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “LOW COMPLEXITY WIDEBAND LSF CODING USING GMM WITH UNCORRELATED GAUSSIAN COMPONENTS AND SUBSET MIXTURE SEARCHING,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc., 2008.
    32. Suresh K and TV Sreenivas: “DCT-II DOMAIN LINEAR FILTERINGWITH LOWER COMPLEXITY,”submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc., 2008.
    33. Basavaraja SV and TV Sreenivas: “MULTILINGUAL ACOUSTIC SUB-WORD UNITS FOR SPOKEN LANGUAGE IDENTIFICATION USING LZW BASED LANGUAGE MODELING,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc., 2008.
    34. Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Conditional PDF based Split Vector Quantization of LSFs for Telephone-band Speech Coding,” not accepted Eurospeech 2007.
    35. S Chandra Sekhar and TV Sreenivas: “Blocking artifacts revisited: Time-Frequency median filtering techniques,” not accepted Eurospeech 2007.
    36. Sriram, G and TV Sreenivas: “Iterative eigenvoice adaptation of acoustic sub-word models for unseen vocabulary,” not accepted Eurospeech 2007.
    37. Krusheel, M and TV Sreenivas: “Segment Skipping Algorithm For Robust Speech Recognition,” not accepted Eurospeech 2007.
    38. P Srinivas, V Ramasubramanian and TV Sreenivas: “Stochastic pronunciation modeling based on pruned ergodic-HMM,” not accepted Eurospeech 2007.
    39. A Sreenivasa Murthy and TV Sreenivas: “Performance evaluation of the ‘Intersection of Confidence Intervals Algorithm”, submitted to ICASSP 2007. (not accepted)
    40. Resmi Rajendran and TV Sreenivas: “Vocabulary independent and language independent keyword spotting using acoustic subword units,” submitted to ICASSP 2007. (not accepted)
    41. Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Optimum switched transform domain split vector quantization,” submitted to ICASSP 2007. (not accepted)
    42. A Sreenivasa Murthy, S Chandra Sekhar and TV Sreenivas: “Adaptive window local regression (AWLR) for general time-varying signal denoising,” submitted to European Signal Proc Conf. (EUSIPCO), Italy, Sep 2006. (not accepted)
    43. Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Joint Inter-Frame and Intra-frame Predictive Quantization of LSF:Telephone-band to Wide-band Speech,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Toulouse, France, May 2006. (not accepted)
    44. Prasanta K. Ghosh and TV Sreenivs: “Automatic speech segmentation using extrema-based signal track length (ESTL) measure,” submitted to Eurospeech 2005. (not accepted)
    45. S Chandra Sekhar, A Sreenivasa Murthy and TV Sreenivas: “Optimum Signal Reconstruction from Noisy Non-uniformly Sampled Data,” submitted to IEEE Int. Symp. Information Theory (ISIT), 2005. (not accepted)
    46. Krishna AG: “A novel method of classification using GMMs: Applications to music instrument recognition,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Philadelphia, Apr 2005. (not accepted)
    47. Krishna Kumar, S. and TV Sreenivas: “Benefits of watermark-to-host correlation for blind detection of random phase watermarks in audio signals,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Philadelphia, Apr 2005. (not accepted)
    48. C Narayana Setty and TV Sreenivas: “Time domain estimation of polynomial phase signal parameters,” submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Montreal, Apr 2004. (not accepted)
    49. B Ravikumar and TV Sreenivas: “Impulse noise removal from speech and audio signals,” submitted to European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Toulouse, France, Sep 2002.
    50. TV Sreenivas and A Anand, “Binaural speech enhancement for hearing aids,” submitted to Int. Conf. Hearing Aids, CA, USA, Aug 2000.