Conference Publications
- Sai Gunaranjan Pelluri and Thippur V. Sreenivas, "Parameter Estimation of a Moving Acoustic Source: Linear Chirplet Transform Vs WVD", in Proc. 23rd National Conference on Communications (NCC), Madras, 2017.
- Arthi S, Adhithya K R and Thippur V. Sreenivas, "Perceptual Evaluation of Simulated Auditory Source Width Expansion", in Proc. 23rd National Conference on Communications (NCC), Madras, 2017.
- Neeraj Sharma, Shreepad Potadar, Srikanth Raj Chetupalli and Thippur V. Sreenivas, "Mel-Scale Sub-band Modelling for Perceptually Improved Time-Scale Modification of Speech and Audio Signals", in Proc. 23rd National Conference on Communications (NCC), Madras, 2017.
- H. Sundar, G. D. Manavalan, T. V. Sreenivas and C. S. Seelamantula, "Reverberation-Robust One-Bit TDOA Based Moving Source Localization for Automatic Camera Steering," to appear in Proceedings of Interspeech 2016.
- Srikanth Raj Chetupalli, Anand Gopalakrishnan, T. V. Sreenivas, ‘‘Feature Selection and Model Optimization for Semi-supervised Speaker Spotting,’’ to appear in Proceedings of EUSIPCO2016, Budapest, Hungary, Aug 29-Sep 2, 2016
- Harshavardhan S. and T.V. Sreenivas, "Who Spoke What? A Latent Variable Framework for the Joint Decoding of Multiple Speakers and Their Keywords", to appear in IEEE Int. Conf. of Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc Bangalore, India, 2016.
- Harshavardhan S. and T.V. Sreenivas,"Reverberation Robust TDOA Estimation Using Convex Region Prior", to appear in IEEE Int. Conf. of Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc Bangalore, India, 2016.
- Sreejith T. M., Joshin P. K., Harshavardhan S. and T.V. Sreenivas, "TDE Sign Based Homing Algorithm for Sound Source Tracking Using a Y-shaped Microphone Array", EUSIPCO 2015, Nice, France.
- Sai Gunaranjan Pelluri, T.V. Sreenivas, "Arbitrary Trajectory Estimation of a Moving Acoustic Source", presented in 138th Audio Engineering Society Convention, Warsaw, Poland, 2015.
- Neeraj Sharma, Sai Gunaranjan Pelluri, and T.V. Sreenivas, "Moving Sound Source Parameter Estimation Using A Single Microphone And Signal Extrema Samples", to appear in IEEE Int. Conf. of Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, 2015. [Click for: paper, poster]
- Arthi Subramaniam and T. V. Sreenivas, "Influence Of Time-varying Pitch On Timbre: 'Coherence And Incoherence' Based On Spectral Centroid ", to appear in IEEE Int. Conf. of Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, 2015.[Click for: paper, presentation]
- Ranjani H. G. and T. V. Sreenivas, "Multi-instrument Detection in Polyphonic Music using Gaussian Mixture based Factorial HMM", to appear in IEEE Int. Conf. of Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, 2015.
- Srikanth Raj Chetupalli, Sreenivas Thippur V., "Successive Approximation Algorithm for LPC Estimation Using Sparse Residual Constraint," to appear in Proc. of National Conference on Communication (NCC), Mumbai, India, Feb 27-Mar 1, 2015.
- Neeraj Sharma, "Time-instant sampling based encoding of time-varying acoustic spectrum ", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1703, 100003 (2015). [Click for: paper]
- Neeraj Sharma, and T. V. Sreenivas, "Event-triggered sampling and reconstruction of sparse trigonometric polynomials", IEEE Int. Conf. of Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), IISc Bangalore, India, 2014. [Click for: paper, slides]
- Chetupalli, Srikanth Raj, and T. V. Sreenivas, "Time varying linear prediction using sparsity constraints." IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Proc., (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, 2014.
- Ranjani H. G. and T V Sreenivas, "Grouping carnatic music notes using a multi- gram language model", in Proceedings of Acoustics 2013, New Delhi, India.
- Arthi Subramaniam and T. V. Sreenivas, "Timbre perception of time-varying signals - Influence of pitch on timbre", in Proceedings of Acoustics 2013, New Delhi, India.
- Ranjani, H.G. and T. V. Sreenivas, “Hierarchical Classification of Carnatic Music Forms”, 14th Intl. Soc. Music Information Retrieval Conf. (ISMIR), Curitiba, Brazil, 3-8 Nov 2013.
- Jarle Bauck Hamar, Rama Sanand Doddipatla, Torbjrn Svendsen and Thippur Sreenivas, “Non-Negative Durational HMM,” IEEE Int. Workshop Machine Learning for Signal Processing, (MLSP), Southampton, UK, Sept., 2013.
- Harshavardhan Sundar, Ranjani H. G. and T. V. Sreenivas, “Students-t Mixture Model based Multi-instrument Recognition in Polyphonic Music,” IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Proc., (ICASSP), Vancover, Canada, May 2013.
- Nandini Bondale and TV Sreenivas, “Emotiphons: Emotion markers in Conversational Speech - Comparison across Indian Languages,” Int. Conf. Computational Linguistics (COLING), SAAIP (”Sentiment Analysis where AI meets Psychology”) Workshop, IIT-Bombay, Mumbai, Dec 2012.
- Arthi Subramaniam and T. V. Sreenivas, "Timbre and Phonetic JND of Diphthong" 133rd AES Convention, San Francisco 2012.
- Srikanth Raj Chetupalli and T.V. Sreenivas, "Joint Pitch-Analysis Formant-Synthesis Framework for Compressive Sensing Recovery of Speech", Proc. Interspeech, Oregon, Sep 2012.
- Sayan Ghosh and T.V.Sreenivas, "Automatic Speech Segmentation Using Probabilistic Latent Component Modeling", Proc. Interspeech, Oregon, Sep 2012.
- Neeraj Sharma. and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Sparse Signal Reconstruction Based on Signal Dependent Non-uniform Samples," Proc. IEEE Int Conf. Acoust. Speech, Signal Proc.(ICASSP), Kyoto, Mar 2012. [Click for: poster]
- Sayan Ghosh, K. Vijay Girish and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Relationship between Indian Languages Using Long Distance Bigram Language Models," Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Natural Lang. Proc. (ICON), Chennai, Dec 2011. [link]
- Ranjani, H.G., Arthi, S. and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Carnatic music analysis: Shadja, Swara identification and rAga verification in AlApana using stochastic models," Proc. IEEE Work. Appl. Signal Proc. Audio Acoust., Mohonk, Oct. 2011. [link]
- M.R. Gajjar, T.V Sreenivas and R. Govindarajan, ''Fast acoustic likelihood computation using low-rank matrix approximation," Proc. IEEE Work. Signal Proc. Syst. (SiPS), Beirut, Oct 2011.[link]
- Ch Srikanth Raj and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Time-Varying Signal Adaptive transform and IHT recovery of compressive sensed speech," Proc. Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug. 2011.[link]
- Ch. Srikanth Raj and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Compressive Sensing for Music Signals: Comparison of transforms with coherent dictionaries," 42nd Audio Engg. Soc. Conf., Ilmenau, Germany, July 2011.[link]
- Ajay, S. and T.V. Sreenivas, ''Multi-channel Iterative Dereverberation based on Codebook Constrained Iterative Multi-channel Wiener Filter," Proc. INTERSPEECH, Chiba, Sep 2010.[link]
- Harshavardhan, S. and T.V. Sreenivas and S. Chandra Sekhar, ''A MULTIMODAL DENSITY FUNCTION
- Nishanth Ulhas Nair and T.V Sreenivas, “Multi Pattern Viterbi Algorithm,” Proc. IEEE TENCON, Singapore, Nov 2009. [link]
- Nadir, C.I. and T.V Sreenivas, “Enhancement of Binaural Speech Using Codebook Constrained Iterative Binaural Wiener Filter,” Proc. Interspeech, Glasgow, Sep 2009. [link]
- T.V. Sreenivas and W. Bastiaan Kleijn, “Compressive sensing for sparsely excited speech signals,” Proc.IEEE Int Conf. Acoust. Speech, Signal Proc., Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 2009. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and T.V. Sreenivas “Analysis-by-synthesis based switched transform domain split vq using gaussian mixture model,” Proc. IEEE Int Conf. Acoust. Speech, Signal Proc., Taipei, Taiwan, Apr 2009. [link]
- Gowtham Krishna B. and T.V. Sreenivas, “A comparative study of speaker adaptation methods,” Proc.IEEE TENCON, Hyderabad, Nov 2008. [link]
- K.V.S. Narayana and T.V. Sreenivas, “Comparison of IF estimation methods for noise robustness,” Proc.IEEE TENCON, Hyderabad, Nov 2008. [link]
- Nishanth U. Nair and T.V. Sreenivas, “Multi Pattern Dynamic Time Warping for Automatic Speech Recognition,” Proc. IEEE TENCON, Hyderabad, Nov 2008. [link]
- Mrugesh R. Gajjar, R. Govindarajan, T.V. Sreenivas, ”Online unsupervised pattern discovery in speech using parallelization,” Proc. INTERSPEECH, Brisbane, Australia, Sep 2008. [link]
- K.V.S. Narayana and T.V. Sreenivas, “Comparison of AM-FM Based Features For Robust Speech Recognition,” Proc. INTERSPEECH, Brisbane, Australia, Sep 2008. [link]
- Krishna Nand, K and T.V. Sreenivas, “Two stage iterative wiener filtering for speech enhancement,” Proc.INTERSPEECH, Brisbane, Australia, Sep 2008. [link]
- Achintya Kundu, Saikat Chatterjee and T.V. Sreenivas, ”Subspace Based Speech Enhancement Using Gaussian Mixture Model,” Proc. INTERSPEECH, Brisbane, Australia, Sep 2008. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and T.V. Sreenivas, “Low Complexity Wideband LSF Quantization Using GMM of Uncorrelated Gaussian Mixtures” Proc. European Signal Proc. Conf (EUSIPCO), Switzerland, Aug 2008. [link]
- Nishanth U. Nair and T.V. Sreenivas, “Forward/Backward Algorithms For Joint Multi Pattern Speech Recognition”, Proc. European Signal Proc. Conf (EUSIPCO), Switzerland, Aug 2008. [link]
- Achintya Kundu, Saikat Chatterjee and T.V. Sreenivas, “Speech Enhancement using Intra-frame Dependency in DCT Domain”, Proc. European Signal Proc. Conf (EUSIPCO), Switzerland, Aug 2008. [link]
- A.S. Murthy, S. Chandra Sekhar and T.V. Sreenivas, “Optimal local polynomial regression of noisy time varying signals,” Proc. European Signal Proc. Conf (EUSIPCO), Switzerland, Aug 2008. [link]
- A.S. Murthy, S. Chandra Sekhar and T.V. Sreenivas, “Adaptive window for local polynomial regression from noisy non-uniform samples,” Proc. European Signal Proc. Conf (EUSIPCO), Switzerland, Aug 2008. [link]
- Nithin S, Suresh K, TV Sreenivas: “Low complexity Bit allocation algorithms for AAC encoding,” Proc.Audio Engg Soc 124th Convention, Amsterdam, May 2008. [link]
- Suresh K and TV Sreenivas: “Linear Filtering in MDCT domain,” Proc. Audio Engg. Soc. 124th Convention, Amsterdam, May 2008. [link]
- Achintya Kundu, Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “GMM based bayesian approach to speech enhancement in signal/transform domain,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc., Apr 2008. [link]
- Basavaraja SV and TV Sreenivas: “Pruned Universal Symbol Sequences for LZW based Language identification,” 6th Odyssy IEEE Work. Speech and Language Recognition, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Jan 2008. [link]
- Narayana KVS and TV Sreenivas: “AM-FM demodulation using zero crossings and local peaks,” Proc. National Conf. Communications (NCC), New Delhi, Feb 2008. [link]
- TV Sreenivas, S. Wabnik and G. Schuller, “Reduced Rate Ultra Low Delay Audio Coder using Multistage Vector Quantization,” IEEE 41st Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst. Comp., California, USA, Nov 2007. [link]
- Prasanta Ghosh: “Speech segmentation using extrema based signal track length measure,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Proc. (ICASSP), pp IV-1065-68, Apr 2007. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Gaussian Mixture Model Based Switched Split Vector Quantization of LSF Parameters,” Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Symp. Signal Proc. and Inf. Tech. (ISSPIT), Cairo, Egypt, Dec 2007. [link]
- Suresh K and TV Sreenivas: “DIRECT MDCT DOMAIN PSYCHOACOUSTIC MODELING,” Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Symp. Signal Proc. and Inf. Tech. (ISSPIT), Cairo, Egypt, Dec 2007. [link]
- K Suresh and TV Sreenivas: “MDCT domain analysis and synthesis of reverberation for parametric stereo audio,” Proc. 123rd Audio Engg Convention, New York, Oct 2007. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Normalized Two Stage SVQ for Minimum Complexity Wide-band LSF Quantization,” Proc. INTERSPEECH 2007 - Eurospeech, Antwerp, Belgium, Aug 2007. [link]
- A Sreenivasa Murthy, S Chandra Sekhar and TV Sreenivas: “Robust and high resolution voiced/unvoiced classification in noisy speech,” Proc. INTERSPEECH 2007-Eurospeech, Antwerp, Belgium, Aug 2007. [link]
- Nishanth U. Nair and TV Sreenivas: “Joint Decoding of Multiple Speech Patterns for Robust Speech Recognition,” Proc. 10th IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, Dec 2007. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Sequential split vector quantization of LSF parameters using conditional PDF,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc., Hawaii, Apr 2007. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Joint inter-frame and intra-frame predictive coding of LSF parameters,” Proc. Int. Symp. Signal Proc. Appl. (ISSPA), Sharjah, Feb 2007. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Computationally efficient optimum weighting function for vector quantization of LSF parameters,” Proc. Int. Symp. Signal Proc. Appl. (ISSPA), Sharjah, Feb 2007. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Two Stage Transform Vector Quantization of LSFs for Wideband Speech Coding,” Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Proc. (INTERSPEECH 2006 ICSLP), Sep 2006. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “Comparison of Prediction Based LSF Quantization Methods using Split VQ,” Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Proc. (INTERSPEECH 2006 ICSLP), Sep 2006. [link]
- SV Basavaraja and TV Sreenivas: “Low Complexity LID using Pruned Pattern Tables of LZW,” Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Proc. (INTERSPEECH 2006 ICSLP), Sep 2006. [link]
- SV Basavaraja and TV Sreenivas: “LZW based distance measures for spoken language identification,” Proc. Odyssy: IEEE Work. Speech and Language Recognition, Puerto Rico, Jun 2006. [link]
- S Chandra Sekhar, Sridhar Pilli, Lakshmikanth, C and TV Sreenivas: “Novel Auditory Motivated Subband Temporal Envelope Based Fundamental Frequency Estimation Algorithm,” European Signal Proc Conf(EUSIPCO), Italy, Sep 2006. [link]
- Krishna Kumar, S and TV Sreenivas: “A Hybrid Pre-Whitening Technique for Detection of Additive Spread Spectrum Watermarks in Audio Signals,” Proc. European Signal Proc Conf. (EUSIPCO), Italy, Sep 2006. [link]
- Prasanta Ghosh and TV Sreenivas: “Extrema Based Unwarping for Time-Varying Pitch Estimation,” Proc. National Conf. Communications (NCC), New Delhi, Jan 2006. [link]
- Prasanta Ghosh and TV Sreenivas: “Dynamic Programming based Optimum Non-uniform Samples for Speech Reconstruction and Coding,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Toulouse, France, May 2006. [link]
- Saikat Chatterjee and TV Sreenivas: “A Mixed-Split Scheme for 2-D DPCM Based LSF Quantization,” Proc. IEEE TENCON, Melbourne, Australia, 2005. [link]
- V Ramasubramanian, P Srinivas and TV Sreenivas: “Stochastic Pronunciation Modeling by Ergodic-HMM of Acoustic Sub-word Units,” Proc. INTERSPEECH-Eurospeech, Portugal, Sep 2005. [link]
- Sunil, T and TV Sreenivas: “Speech Enhancement using Markov Model of Speech Segments,” Proc. INTERSPEECH-Eurospeech, Portugal, Sep 2005. [link]
- Anindya Sarkar and TV Sreenivas: “Dynamic programming based segmentation approach to LSF matrix reconstruction,” Proc. INTERSPEECH-Eurospeech, Portugal, Sep 2005. [link]
- Prasanta K. Ghosh and TV Sreenivas: “Waveform Reconstruction from Non-uniform Samples with Application to Speech Coding,” Proc. IEEE-EURASIP Workshop Non-linear Signal and Image processing (NSIP), Sapporo, Japan, May 2005. [link]
- HV Sharada, Santosh Kumar, SA, V Ramasubramanian, TV Sreenivas: “High performance language identification using broad phonetic categories,” Int. Conf. Speech & Lang. Technology and oriental COCOSDA, New Delhi, Nov 2004. [link]
- Santosh Kumar, SA and V Ramasubramanian: “Automatic language identification using ergodic-HMM,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Philadelphia, Apr 2005. [link]
- Sharath Rao, K. and TV Sreenivas: “Matrix quantization based time-varying filter speech enhancement,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Philadelphia, Apr 2005. [link]
- Anindya Sarkar and TV Sreenivas: “Automatic speech segmentation using average level crossing rate information,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Philadelphia, Apr 2005. [link]
- Kiran GV and TV Sreenivas: “A new hearing aid algorithm based on spectral contrast,” Int. Hearing Aid Conference, USA, 2004. [link]
- Krishna Kumar, S and TV Sreenivas: “Analysis of increased correlation in blind audio watermark detection,” Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore, Dec 2004. [link]
- Krishna AG and TV Sreenivas: “Shared mixture GMM classifier,” Int. Conf. Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Bangalore, Dec 2004. [link]
- Krishna Kumar, S and TV Sreenivas: “Increased Correlation in Blind Audio Watermark Detection - A Blessing in Disguise?” 117th Audio Engineering Society Convention (AES), San Francisco, USA, Oct 2004. [link]
- Sharath Rao, K, TV Sreenivas and A Sreenivasa Murthy: “Improved Iterative Wiener Filtering for non-stationary noise speech enhancement,” Proc. 8th Int Conf. Spoken Lang. Proc. (ICSLP), Jeju Island, Korea, Oct 2004. [link]
- Kiran GV, Krishna AG and TV Sreenivas: “Neural ”Spike rate spectrum” as a noise robust, speaker invariant feature for automatic speech recognition,” Proc. 8th Int Conf. Spoken Lang. Proc. (ICSLP), Jeju Island, Korea, Oct 2004. [link]
- Sameer Badaskar and TV Sreenivas: “Mixture Gaussian Model Training against Impostor Model Parameters: An application to Speaker Identification,” Proc. 8th Int Conf. Spoken Lang. Proc. (ICSLP), Jeju Island, Korea, Oct 2004. [link]
- AG Krishna and TV Sreenivas: “Music instrument recognition: From isolated notes to solo phrases,” Proc.IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Montreal, Apr 2004. [link]
- V Ramasubramanian and TV Sreenivas: “Automatically derived units for segment vocoders,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Montreal, Apr 2004. [link]
- S Chandra Sekhar and TV Sreenivas: “Novel approach to AM-FM decomposition with applications to speech and music analysis,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Montreal, Apr 2004. [link]
- Jitendra K Gupta, S Chandra Sekhar and TV Sreenivas: “Performance analysis of AM-FM estimators,” Proc. IEEE TENCON.,, Bangalore, Dec 2003. [link]
- V Ramasubramanian, AKV SaiJayram and TV Sreenivas: “Language identification using parallel sub-word recognition - an Ergodic HMM equivalence,” Proc. 8th European Conf. Speech Comm. Tech. (EUROSPEECH), Geneva, Sept 2003. [link]
- GV Kiran and TV Sreenivas: “A novel method of analyzing and comparing responses of hearing aid algorithms using auditory time-frequency representation,” Proc. 8th European Conf. Speech Comm. Tech.(EUROSPEECH), Geneva, Sept 2003. [link]
- AKV SaiJayram, V Ramasubramanian and TV Sreenivas: “Language identification using parallel sub-word recognition,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Hong Kong, Apr 2003. [link]
- S Chandra Sekhar and TV Sreenivas: “Instantaneous frequency estimation using level-crossing information,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Hong Kong, Apr 2003. [link]
- S. Chandra Sekhar and T.V. Sreenivas, ‘Polynomial instantaneous frequency estimation using level-crossing information’, Proc. IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Non-linear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP) - 2003, Grado, Italy. [link]
- Mukundh Nagarajan and TV Sreenivas: “Product-HMM: A novel class of HMMs for sub- sequence modelling,” Proc. Workshop Spoken Language Proc. (WSLP), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,Mumbai, pp 117-124, Jan 2003. [link]
- GV Kiran and TV Sreenivas: “One parameter control gammachirp filterbank for auditory models,” Proc. Workshop Spoken Language Proc. (WSLP), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, pp 41-48, Jan 2003. [link]
- V Ramasubramanian, AKV SaiJayram and TV Sreenivas: “Language identification using parallel phone recognition,” Proc. Workshop Spoken Language Proc. (WSLP), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, pp 109-116, Jan 2003. [link]
- Kumar Brajbhushan and TV Sreenivas: “Multi-stage mixture PCA for GMM based speaker identification,” submitted to Int. Conf. Spoken Language Processing, (ICSLP), Denver, USA, Sep 2002. (not accepted)
- AKV SaiJayram, V Ramasubramanian and TV Sreenivas: “Automatic language identification using acoustic sub-word units,” Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Language Processing, (ICSLP), Denver, USA, Sep 2002. [link]
- B Ravikumar, DK Joseph and TV Sreenivas: “Teager energy based blood cell segmentation,” 14th Intnl Conf Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), Santorini, Greece, July 1-3, 2002. [link]
- AKV SaiJayram, V Ramasubramanian and TV Sreenivas: “Robust parameters for automatic segmentation of speech,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Florida, USA, May 2002. [link]
- B Ravikumar and TV Sreenivas: “Teager energy based approach to ECG signal enhancement,’ Proc. Intnl.Conf. Biomedical Engg. (BioVision), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Dec 2001. [link]
- S Satheesh and TV Sreenivas: “A switched DPCM/Subband coder for pre-echo reduction,” Proc. Eur. Conf. Speech Comm. Tech. (EUROSPEECH), Aalbord, Denmark, Sept 2001. [link]
- GSV Uma Kishore and TV Sreenivas: “Discriminatively derived lifter for robust speech recognition,” Proc.Conf. Signal Proc. and Comm. (SPCOM-01), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Jul 2001. [link]
- S Chandra Sekhar, G Viswanath and TV Sreenivas: “Zero-crossing based approach to tracking instantaneous frequency,”Proc. IEEE-EURASIP Workshop Non-linear Signal and Image Processing, Maryland, USA, Jun 2001. [link]
- B Mondal and TV Sreenivas: “Mixture Gaussian envelope chirp model for speech and audio,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Phoenix, USA, May 2001. [link]
- TV Sreenivas, VC Raykar and R Raman, “Head related impulse response interpolation for dynamic spatialization,” TI DSP Conference, Bangalore, Nov 2000. [link]
- JV Avadhanulu, M. Mathew and TV Sreenivas: ”EarLyzer: Perceptually motivated robust TFR of speech,” Proc. Eur. Conf. Speech Comm. Tech. (EUROSPEECH), Budapest, Hungary, Vol.6, pp 2765-68., Sept 1999. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and S Sunil: ”DTW distortion profile for robust speech recognition,” Proc. Int. Conf. Speech Proc. (ICSP), Korea, Aug 1999. [link]
- M Anand and TV Sreenivas: ”Estimation of optimum model order of HMMs,” Proc. Int. Conf. Speech Proc. (ICSP), Korea, Aug 1999. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and M Dietz: ”Vector quantization of scale factors in advanced audio coder(AAC),” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech. Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Seattle, USA, Apr 1998. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and M Dietz: ”Improved AAC performance @64 Kb/s using VQ,” Proc. 104th Audio Engg Soc. Conv. (AES), Amsterdam, Prepr-4750, May 1998. [link]
- TV Sreenivas, Chaco Thomas and K Sandeep: ”Audio spatialization through quasi-stereo”, Int. Conf. Signal Proc. Appl. Tech.(ICSPAT), San Diego, CA, USA, Sept 1997. [link]
- RNV Sitaram and TV Sreenivas: ”Connected phoneme HMMs with implicit duration modelling for confusable word recognition”, Int. Conf. Speech Processing (ICSP), Seoul, Korea, Aug 1997. [link]
- RNV Sitaram and TV Sreenivas: ”Scalar quantization in Discrete Hidden Markov Models for better performance”, Int. Conference on Speech Processing (ICSP), Seoul, Korea, Aug 1997. [link]
- S Sunil, S Palit and TV Sreenivas,‘HMM based fast keyword spotting algorithm with no garbage models,’ Int. Conf. Speech Proc. (ICSP), Seoul, Korea, Aug 1997. [link]
- G Viswanath and TV Sreenivas, ‘Cross-terms and aliasing in two quadratic TFRs: Cone kernel representation and Instantaneous power spectrum,’ IEEE Symp. Intelligent Systems, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, Nov. 1996. [link]
- RNV Sitaram and TV Sreenivas, ‘On incorporating phonemic constraints in HMMs for speech recognition,’ Proc. European Conf. Speech Comm. Technology (EUROSPEECH), Madrid, Spain, Sep 1995. [link]
- RNV Sitaram and TV Sreenivas, ‘Continuous speech phoneme recognition using two stage probablistic modelling,’ Proc. European Signal Proc. Conf. (EUSIPCO), Edinburgh, UK, Sep 1994. [link]
- RNV Sitaram and TV Sreenivas, ‘Phoneme recognition in continuous speech using large inhomogeneous hiddenMarkov models,’ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Adelaide, Australia, Apr 1994. [link]
- TV Sreenivas, ‘Speech coding for PCS using perceptual entropy,’ (invited paper) Proc. IETE Annual Tech. Convention, Hyderabad, Oct 1993. [link]
- S Stalin and TV Sreenivas, ‘MLP network optimization using vectorized backpropagation and automatic pruning,’ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Neural Networks (ICNN), San Fransisco, USA, Mar 1993. [link]
- AS Prabhavathy and TV Sreenivas, ‘Auditory model based robust spectral estimation,’ Proc. Discussion Meeting on Recent Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Jan 1993. [link]
- AS Prabhavathy and TV Sreenivas, ‘Noise robustness in multi-level crossing interval based method of spectral estimation,’ Proc. Australian Conf. Speech Science and Technology, Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 1992. [link]
- AV Srikumar and TV Sreenivas, ‘Improvements to CELP 4.8Kb/sec,’ Int. Symp. Signals, Systems and Electronics, Paris, France, Sep. 1992. [link]
- AS Prabhavathy and TV Sreenivas, ‘Ear as a spectrum analyzer,’ Int. Workshop on Speech, Music and Signal Processing, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, Dec. 1991. [link]
- TV Sreenivas, Unnikrishnan VS and D Narayana Dutt, ‘Pruned neural network for artifact reduction in EEG signal,’ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Engg. Medicine and Biology Society (IEMBS), Orlando, FL, USA, pp , Nov. 1991. [link]
- SW Metz, JA Heinen, RJ Niederjohn and TV Sreenivas, ‘Auditory modeling applied to formant tracking of noise-corrupted speech,’ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Indust. Engg. (ICIE), USA, pp 2120-2124, Oct. 1991. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and Rama Kowsalya, ‘Analysis of DTW algorithms for speech recognition,’ Workshop on Speech Technology for Man-Machine Interaction, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bomaby, Dec.1990. [link]
- TV sreenivas, ‘Spectral resolution in a multi-level crossing based method of spectral analysis,’ Proc. Workshop on Signal Processing, Communications & Networking, Indian Institute of Science, pp 290-298, Jul. 1990. [link]
- TV Sreenivas, Karamjeet Singh and RJ Niederjohn, ‘Spectral resolution and noise robustness in Auditory Modelling,’ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Albuquerque, NM, USA, pp 817-820, Apr. 1990. [link]
- TV Sreenivas, Karamjeet Singh, RJ Niederjohn and JA Heinen, ‘Spectral estimation properties of non-linear auditory models for noisy signals,’ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Engg. Med. Biology Soc. (IEMBS), Seattle, WA, pp 679-680, Nov. 1989. [link]
- RJ Conway, TV Sreenivas and RJ Niederjohn, ‘Adaptive postfiltering for speech enhancement,’ Proc. 32nd Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Urbana-Champaign, IL, Aug. 1989. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and RJ Niederjohn, ‘Formant contour estimation in noise: Comparison of a zero-crossing based measure with other spectral estimators,’ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Systems Engineering, Dayton, OH, pp 399-402, Aug. 1989. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and RJ Niederjohn, ‘Formant contour estimation in noise using a spectral estimation ‘confidence measure’,’ Acoustical Society of America annual meeting, Syracuse, NY, JASA Suppl. 1, pp S50,May 1989. [link]
- RJ Niederjohn, TV Sreenivas, JA Heinen and RJ Conway, ‘Intelligibility enhancement versus signal restoration for speech corrupted by noise,’ Proc. AMSE Int. Conf. Signals and Systems, Miami, FL, pp 223-234,Mar 1989. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and RJ Niederjohn, ‘Spectral estimation under noise using a zero-crossing consistency measure,’ Proc. 31st Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems, St.Louis, MO, pp 83-88, Aug 1988. [link]
- TV Sreenivas, ‘Modelling LPC residue by components for good quality speech coding,’ Proc. IEEE Int.Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Processing, New York, pp 171-174, Apr 1988. [link]
- TV Sreenivas, ‘MEM phase spectrum for pitch,’ Nordic Conf. on Speech Processing, Trondheim, Norway, Mar 1986. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and PVS Rao, ‘Analysis of non-stationary voiced segments in speech signals,’ Proc. Symp.“Representation of speech in peripheral auditory system,” Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm, Sweden, eds:Carlson and Granstrom, Elsevier Biomedical Press, North Holland, pp 235-240, May 1982. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and TV Ananthapadmanabha, ‘On sensitivity of vocal tract area functions,’ Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech and Signal Processing, Washington D.C., pp 93-96, Apr 1979. [link]
- TV Sreenivas and VVS Sarma, ‘Computer generation of high resolution speech spectrograms,’ Computer Society of India Annual Convention, Hyderabad, Apr 1976. [link]