Safdar Quddus


I am a Mathematician(!?) with interests in Noncommutative Geometry and, its application(s) to Theoretical Physics and Number Theory.



2018-  -  : Indian Institute of Science, INSPIRE Faculty/Research Scientist.  

2015-17: NISER, Post-Doctoral Fellow/INSPIRE Faculty.

2013-14: Islamic University, Teaching Assistant Professor.



2013:   PhD in Mathematics, Washington University  (Advisor: Prof. Xiang Tang). 

2008:   AM  in Mathematics, Washington University.

2007:   B.Math(Hons.), Indian Statistical Institute


X-13, Department of Mathematics,

Indian Institute of Science,

Bangalore, India. 560012.


Live as long as you want, but you must die; love whatever you want, but you will be separated from it; and do what you want, but you will be repaid for it.

Perfectness in character is like honey; months of assiduousness that yields a medicine, sweet and colourful.

A person will always interpret everything (s/)he hears to the light(/darkness) which dominates h(er/is) heart.

Who is a Faqir?

 A Muslim's journey to spiritual perfectness