Mystic/Sufi Travel.

Always consult a mystic who remains silent for he can not be free from wisdom.

Doubts and Fears divide the kingdom of the heart. A person loved by ALLAH and famed in world should stand in tahajjud to ward off pride.

I know you’re tired but come, this is the way.

Patience kills affliction(s). 

Whatever makes an impression on the heart seems lovely in the eye.

Love is a travel. All travellers whether they want or not are changed. No one can travel in love and remain the same.

Man's fortune lies in taing ALLAH's vision as the ultimate goal, the next world as his permanent abode, this world as his temporary abode, body as his carrier and the limbs as his servants.

Said a Person from Pharaoh's household: "Would you slay a man(Moses) because he says, ALLAH is my Sustainer?..."

ALLAH to Moses "But speak; unto him(Pharaoh) in a mild manner, so that he might bethink himself or [at least] be filled with apprehension." 

The praised man must save himself from pride, self-praise and idleness, He will not be able to save himself from these evils unless he thinks about his ultimate end and the result of his actions. The praiser does not know what the praised man knows about him. The former will surely not praise him if he knows of him what he knows of himself.

Poems, Diwan(in Arabic) by Imam Shafei(RA), some translated ones.


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