
Q) Who is a Faqir?

One who practices abstinence from worldly desires(and sometimes even necessities).

Q) What is to be a Faqir?

The interim/temporary abode, world, is not to be loved/desired/craved for- is the basic principle for Faqirs.

Q) Do I have to beg to be one?


Q) Are Faqirs gender(s) specific?

No; Women/Men/Transgenders, all can strive to be one.

Q) Are Faqirs religion(s) specific?

A Faqir need not subscribe to any specific known religion. Abstain from finding pleasures in the temporary worldly life- you are then a one.

Q) Is being Spiritual and Faqir the same?

No; Spiritualism(now a days misunderstood as ritualism) is a pleasure beyond senses, only available for those who practise abstinence vigorously.

Q) Why should I be a Faqir?

If life is a zero-sum game then the pleasure pursuits shall be paid before death; even if it is not, finding pleasures/fame in abode that is temporary is against intellect.

Q) Should I quit research as I derive pleasure from it?

Try researching to know what surrounds you(Experimental Research) or the beauty of thought processes that are coherent from multiple viewpoints(Theoretical Research). Pleasure, then, shall be an (reward) object but not the objective.

Q) What are stages that I need to traverse once I decide to abstain?

In early days, one derives content in not seeking/granting attention. Those who are hasty, erroneously decide, that they have achieved what it takes people years to, and hence are naturally spiritual. They leave this path. The similitude of such an experience is like a person who is wealthy and embarks on a journey with only her/his credit card in her/his pocket. He/She enjoys the new life but knows that if a calamity is to befall, the card will help. Only to return to her/his wealth assuming that ascetism has been achieved.

Those who remain, steadily experience pangs of being separated from things that he/she loved. Similar to the pangs of hunger/taste that leaves oneself heedless. This stage is the longest and oscillates with varied intensity testing one's determination.

Q) Do I ever graduate?

Strict Answer is No; but, after sufficient effort, one has to take care only of the more subtle ways of deriving pleasures. For example, the pleasure of being recognized as someone who doesn't desire pleasures, the pleasure of people following your ways, and likewise.