
Jennie Flohrs-Milan

Co Vice President - High Priestess - Church Elder

Look for opportunities.....not guarantees, may you live to see your dawn.

My name is Jennie Szymanski Milan. I am one of the founders and Elder of Sacred Spiral Pagan Church of Arizona. I have helped to start and organize several meet-up groups. I am an ordained minister through both the "Church of the Third Millennium." and  the “Sacred Spiral Pagan Church of Arizona” I am third degree High Priestess within my group and a third Degree Reiki Master. I have been enlightened by many traditions and groups in my path so far and the people I've met are beyond amazing. In my personal life, I am a mom of four fantastic, beautiful kids (three of them witch-lings, one of them first degree in our group) they are more than awesome. I have four wonderful grand-kids and an amazing husband. I work full time as a Clinician associate at a residential treatment center for drug addicted, seriously mentally ill clients and I am pursuing a degree in substance abuse counseling. I am blessed with a wonderful, loving, fun, intelligent and supportive family not to mention the brothers and sisters in the church. I love laughing and spending time with them more than anything.


Nancy Davis

Purse Warden - Priestess - Church Elder

I am an Eclectic Stregharian Witch and I have been on this path for over 20 years. I have been an ordained minister since March 31, 2002 and I have been a Third Level Reiki Master since October 21st, 2007. I have been with the Sacred Spiral Pagan Church since it started (and even before). I work for an Architect/Design firm as a full charge bookkeeper and I am married to the man of my dreams. I love reading and working on computers in my spare time.


Rosemary Thomas Szymanski – Lockett

High Priestess and  President - Church Elder

My name is Rosemary  Thomas Szymanski –Lockett "Lady Lionwoman." I am one of the founders, president and High Priestess of Sacred Spiral Pagan Church of Arizona. I am an ordained minister through the "Church of the Third Millennium" and “Sacred Spiral Pagan Church of Arizona,” and an ordained High Priestess by "The Temple of the Triple Goddess,." I am  a Reiki Master, spiritual adviser, counselor and teacher. In my personal life, I am a retired Elementary School teacher who is very blessed to have two daughters, seven grandchildren, four great grandchildren, and a husband who is not only my soul-mate but also my best friend. I am grateful for the many brothers and sisters in the church and the opportunity to meet others who follow this wonderful path.


James Edward David Lockett

Priest and Membership Director

My name is Rev. James Edward David Lockett. I am an ordained Priest and the Membership Director of Sacred Spiral Pagan Church of Arizona. I was born in Erie Pennsylvania and raised in Arkansas. I served my country in the Air Force during the Vietnam War and then went to college and earned degrees in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. I was raised Southern Baptist but had more questions than answers and studied many other paths before finding the path I now follow. I moved to Arizona over ten years ago and continued learning about other Religions, including Mormonism, Buddhism, and Shamanism. In 2009, I met my wife and found Paganism. I am a Spiritual person. I know that the sun comes up every morning and the moon comes out every night. I know that the elements: air, fire, water and earth exist. Nature is my church and we are all brothers and sisters.