postmodern-w (when, window, with, with-recursive)

[Special Characters][A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]


(let ((param-latitude nil) (param-longitude t))
  (query (:select 'id 'name
                  (when param-latitude '0)
                  (when param-longitude 'longitude)
                  :from 'countries
                  :where (:= 'id 20))))
((20 "UK" NIL -2))


As stated in the postgresql documentation: "When a query involves multiple window functions, it is possible to write out each one with a separate OVER clause, but this is duplicative and error-prone if the same windowing behavior is wanted for several functions. Instead, each windowing behavior can be named in a WINDOW clause and then referenced in OVER". They are available in postmodern as of the 29 October 2013 additions to the git repository.

(query (:select (:over (:sum 'salary) 'w)
                (:over (:avg 'salary) 'w)
                :from 'empsalary :window
                (:as 'w (:partition-by 'depname :order-by (:desc 'salary)))))


With queries are often referred to as Common Table Expressions. They are used as ways to write auxiliary statements for use in a larger query. The Postgresql documentation covers them at

  (:as 'upd
        (:update 'employees
                 :set 'sales-count (:= 'sales-count 1)
                 :where (:= 'id
                            (:select 'sales-person
                                     :from 'accounts
                                     :where (:= 'name "Acme Corporation")))
                 :returning '*)))
  (:insert-into 'employees-log
                (:select '* 'current-timestamp


With-recursive allows the with auxiliary statement to refer to itself. These queries match the following template:

WITH RECURSIVE [temp table] [column list]
AS (   [seed statement]
UNION ALL   [recursive statement - effectively looping through the table] )
[outer query which specifies the fields to be kept in the final result and throws away the intermediate results] 

A few postmodern samples follow which match up with the postgresql documentation examples:

  (:as (:t1 'n)
       (:union-all (:values (:set 1))
                   (:select (:+ 'n 1)
                            :from 't1
                            :where (:< 'n 100))))
  (:select (:sum 'n) :from 't1))

  (:as (:included-parts 'sub-part 'part 'quantity)
        (:select 'sub-part 'part 'quantity
                 :from 'parts
                 :where (:= 'part "our-product"))
        (:select 'p.sub-part 'p.part 'p.quantity
                 :from (:as 'included-parts 'pr)
                 (:as 'parts 'p)
                 :where (:= 'p.part 'pr.sub-part))))
  (:select 'sub-part (:as (:sum 'quantity) 'total-quantity)
           :from 'included-parts
           :group-by 'sub-part)))

  (:as (:search-graph 'id 'link 'data 'depth)
        (:select ' ' ' 1
                 :from (:as 'graph 'g))
        (:select ' ' ' (:= 'sg.depth 1)
                 :from (:as 'graph 'g) (:as 'search-graph 'sg)
                 :where (:= ' '
  (:select '* :from 'search-graph)))

  (:as (:search-graph 'id 'link 'data'depth 'path 'cycle)
        (:select ' ' ' 1
                 (:[] 'g.f1 'g.f2) nil
                 :from (:as 'graph 'g))
        (:select ' ' ' (:= 'sg.depth 1)
                 (:|| 'path (:row 'g.f1 'g.f2))
                 (:= (:row 'g.f1 'g.f2)
                     (:any* 'path))
                 :from (:as 'graph 'g)
                 (:as 'search-graph 'sg)
                 :where (:and (:= ' '
                              (:not 'cycle)))))
  (:select '* :from 'search-graph)))

As a different example, consider a quicklisp dependency table where the fields are 'depends_on' and 'depended_on'. In other words library staple depends-on alexandria. So one record has "staple" in the depends_on column and "alexandria" in the depended_on column.

A function to return a list of all the dependencies of a quicklisp library (assuming the data is in a table called "dependencies") could look like this:

(defun list-dependencies (lib-name)   
  "Returns a list of the names of the direct and indirect libraries depended-on by lib-name."   
  (sort (alexandria:flatten
            (:as 'children
                  (:select 'depended-on 
                           :from 'dependencies 
                           :where (:= 'depends-on '$1))
                  (:select 'a.depended-on 
                           :from (:as 'dependencies 'a)
                           :inner-join (:as 'children 'b)
                           :on (:= 'a.depends-on 'b.depended-on))))
            (:select '* :from 'children))