Special Events

National Chemistry Week

October 19th - 0ctober 23rd

Monday-Scavenger Hunt

Monday through Thursday there will be a clue for a mystery element. Solve the riddle to figure out what the element is. Once you have solved all the clues, the elements will form a word that goes along with the National Chemistry Week theme! Bring the correct answer to Mad scientist day Thursday to win a prize!

Tuesday- Chemistry Meme competition

We all love a good laugh, and memes are a great way to lighten the mood. If you have a cool science related meme you can enter the competition and win a cool prize. Go to our Instagram stories to vote for your favorite memes!

Wednesday- Faculty Appreciation

Here at UAB we have an amazing faculty and staff and we like to show our appreciation for all the chemistry faculty during national chemistry week.

Thursday- Virtual Mad scientist Day

Even though we can't do any in person experiments this year, we wouldn't be SAACS without demos. Join us on zoom to watch some cool science experiments. You may even be able to do some of them at home.