Meet the Officers

My name is Chan Modi. I’m a current sophomore and an Immunology major. I am the publicity chair for SAACS. My job is to create all the flyers for SACCS events and make sure the general body and faculty members are informed about these events.

My name is Rose Albert, and I’m a junior chemistry major. Some of my fondest college memories include lighting methane bubbles on fire and eating liquid nitrogen ice cream in CHEM101, so I’m looking forward to being SAACS secretary to help with record-keeping and planning for these fun events. I love chemistry because of the connections it provides for the world around us, and in the future I plan to study environmental chemistry with a focus on the impacts of climate change on urban health.

My name is Raegan Adams and I am a junior Biology major at UAB, with plans to pursue a research career in the future. I have been involved with SAACS since my freshman year and am currently serving as the treasurer. I have really enjoyed my time in SAACS over the years and some of my closest friends and best memories in college have been made here.

Hi My name is Olivia Johnston, and I am a freshman chemistry major. I am excited to have the opportunity to be the SAACS historian, and I look forward to documenting all SAACS meetings and experiments.

My name is Seth Hubbard, and I am a sophomore Neuroscience major. SAACS is one of the very first organizations I became involved with, and I have loved every minute of it. One of my favorite things about SAACS is the organization’s capability to appeal to several audiences, for you don’t need to like chemistry to have fun with colors or eat liquid nitrogen ice cream. This year, I will be serving as the community outreach chair, and I look forward to reaching out into the UAB and Birmingham community and finding fun, virtual events for us to participate in.

Hi! I am Taikeria Adams, and I am a junior chemistry major. SAACS was one of the first organization I heard about when I first started here at UAB and I am very excited to be apart of the team this year. I will be in charge of all the social media accounts for the organization including the website and I’m really excited to find new ways to utilize our platforms to engage with our members.

My name is Kolbi Biggers, and I am a junior Chemistry major. I act as the Sustainability chair for SAACS, where my responsibilities include promoting sustainability and incorporating Green chemistry into our events. Chemistry has given me a better understanding of the world, and SAACS has allowed me the opportunity to share and appreciate that knowledge with others.

My name is Luke Jaskowski, and I’m a junior chemistry major. I’ve always wanted to pursue research and explore mechanisms in chemical reactions, but SAACS has given me the social outlet I’ve needed along the way! I’ve not only been able to bond (hehe) with some of the coolest people, but all of the hands-on demonstrations for UAB and the greater community have been so fulfilling as well. SAACS has truly been the catalyst for many areas of growth in my undergraduate career and beyond.

Daniel Cotton

Vice President