Building the Greenhouse

    The greenhouse kit assembled pretty easily. I placed the frame around the aquaponics system and then put the plastic around the frame after everything was assembled. I did not put together the shelves that came with the greenhouse because there would not be enough room for everything. The greenhouse helped quite substantially to heat the unit and once I added a water heater the cooler kept things insulated while the greenhouse helped to cut down on convection cooling. The only problem that the greenhouse caused was high humidity that many of the plants did not enjoy aside from the strawberries. I probably could have found plants that were better suited for the changed environment but after a failed attempt at broccoli and cauliflower(cabbage worms really enjoyed the fresh produce) I was a little defeated and also distracted by adding more automation in hope of controlling airflow to decrease humidity. 

Those worms really liked the cauliflower and broccoli.
Here is a picture of one of those worms. The fish really enjoyed eating them :)
The tomatoes did not fair too well once moved to the greenhouse.
The wind kept tearing apart the frame. Twine was a very temporarily fix.
The strawberries did well until the slugs found them.