

The Ideational Approach to Populism: Concept, Theory and Method. 2019. Routledge Press, Series: Extremism and Democracy. (With Kirk A. Hawkins, Levente Littvay, and Cristobal Rovira Kaltwasser (eds.).

The Latin American Voter. 2015. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, Series: New Comparative Politics. (With Matthew M. Singer and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister (eds.).



Executive Approval Project's Executive Approval Database (EAD) 1.0, 2.0 and tools for Data Visualization and Aggregation (With Jonathan Hartlyn, Timothy Hellwig, Gregory J. Love, Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, and Matthew M. Singer).


“The FARC in the Public Eye: Negotiation, Participation, and Integration.” 2020. Journal of Politics in Latin America (With Miguel García Sánchez). 

"Outliers of Presidential Approval." 2019. Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública 8(2) (With Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo).

“Symposium: Rule of Law.” Justice System Journal 33(2) (With Rodolfo Sarsfield).


“The Pigmentocracy of Executive Approval.” Forthcoming. Comparative Political Studies. (With Shane P. Singh).

“Executive Approval Dynamics in Presidential and Parliamentary Democratic Regimes.” Forthcoming. Comparative Political Studies. (With Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, Gregory J. Love, Ryan E. Carlin, Jonathan Hartlyn, Timothy Hellwig, and Matthew M. Singer). 

"Liberal Democratic Support in Contemporary Brazil: A Descriptive Exploration." 2023. Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública. (With Mario Fuks and Ednaldo Ribeiro) 

“When Growth is Not Enough: Issue Positions, Inequality, and Economic Accountability.” 2022. Political Science Research and Methods 10(2): 298-316. (With Timothy Hellwig, Gregory J. Love, Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, and Matthew M. Singer).

“Revenge of the Democrats: Vote Trafficking, Democratic Attitudes and Electoral Retaliation.” 2022.Political Research Quarterly 75(3): 766-781. (With Mason Moseley).

“Ethnicity or Policy? The Conditioning of Intergroup Trust in the Context of Ethnic Conflict.” 2022. Political Psychology 43(2): 201-220. (With Roberto González, Gregory J. Love, Daniel Andrés Miranda and Patricio D. Navia).

“Public Reactions to Non-Compliance with Judicial Orders.” 2022. American Political Science Review 116(1): 265-282. (With Marianna Castrellón Pérez, Varun Gauri, Isabella Cristina Jaramillo Sierra, and Jeffrey K. Staton).

“Trust in Latin American Governing Institutions.” 2022. In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press (With Juan S. Gómez Cruces).DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199756223-0347.

“When Does the Public Get it Right? The Information Environment and the Accuracy of Economic Sentiment.” 2021. Comparative Political Studies 54(9):1499-1533. (With Timothy Hellwig, Gregory J. Love, Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, and Matthew M. Singer).

“Surveys and the Study of Latin American Politics.” 2021. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics Oxford University Press. 

“Pitfall to Peace: FARC Political Participation and Mass Support for Peace Talks in Colombia.” 2020. Journal of Politics in Latin America 12(3): 323–344 (With Gregory J. Love, Jennifer L. McCoy, and Jelena Subotic).

"Presidents’ Sex and Popularity: Baselines, Dynamics, and Policy Performance." 2020. British Journal of Political Science 50(4):1359-1379 (With Miguel Carreras and Gregory J. Love)

"Political Competition, Partisanship, and Interpersonal Trust under Party Dominance: Evidence from post-Apartheid South Africa." 2020. Journal of Experimental Political Science 7(2):101-11. (With Gregory J. Love and Daniel J. Young).

"The World Economy, Political Control, and Presidential Success." 2020. The Journal of Politics 82(2): 786-799 (With Timothy Hellwig).

"Outliers of Presidential Approval: Dynamics, Levels, and Rates." 2019. Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública 8(2): 7-27. (With Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo)

"Policy Regimes and Economic Accountability in Latin America." 2019. Comparative Political Studies 52(13-14): 2032-2060. (With Timothy Hellwig).

"Public Support for Latin American Presidents: The Cyclical Model in Comparative Perspective." 2018. Research and Politics 5(3):1-8. (With Jonathan Hartlyn, Timothy Hellwig, Gregory J. Love, Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, and Matthew M. Singer)

"Skin Tone and Assimilation." 2018. Social Science Quarterly 99(3)1233-1247. (With Sean Richey).

"Sorting out Support for Democracy: A Q-Method Study." 2018. Political Psychology 39(2): 399-422.

"Political Competition, Partisanship, and Interpersonal Trust in Electoral Democracies." 2018. British Journal of Political Science 48(1): 115-139. (With Gregory J. Love). 

Blogged at USAPP, The LSE's daily blog on American Politics and Policy


"Ideational Populism in Chile? A Case Study." 2017. Swiss Political Science Review 23(4): 404-422. (With Rosario Aguilar).

“Measures of Interpersonal Trust: Evidence on Their Cross-National Validity and Reliability Based on Surveys and Experimental Data.” 2017. OECD Statistics Working Papers, 2017/10, OECD Publishing, Paris. (With Gregory J. Love, and Conal Smith)


"Peasants, Bankers, or Piggybankers? The Economy and Presidential Popularity in Uruguay." 2015. Politica: Revista de Ciencia Politica 53(1):73-93. (With Katherine H. Hunt). 


"Executive Power and Economic Voting." 2015. The Journal of Politics 77(4):1031-1044. (With Shane P. Singh).

Blogged at Presidential Power: Presidents and Presidential Power around the World

(Discussed in Carey's blog post at Presidential Power: Presidents and Presidential Power around the World


"Cushioning the Fall:  Scandals, Economic Conditions, and Executive Approval." 2015. Political Behavior 37(1):109-130.  (With Gregory J. Love and Cecilia Martinez-Gallardo).

Blogged at Monkey Cage -The Washington Post


"Happy Medium, Happy Citizens: Presidential Power and Democratic Regime Support. 2015. Political Research Quarterly 68(1):3-17. (With Shane P. Singh).

Blogged at The Quantitative Peace: Explorations of Empirical and Formal Research in Political Science 

Blogged at Presidential Power: Presidents and Presidential Politics around the World

"Security, Clarity of Responsibility, and Presidential Approval." 2015. Comparative Political Studies 48(4):438-463. (With Gregory J. Love and Cecilia Martinez-Gallardo).

Online Appendix  Replication file

Blogged at USAPP, The LSE's daily blog on American Politics and Policy

Blogged at Presidential Power: Presidents and Presidential Politics around the World


"Good Democrats, Bad Targets: Democratic Values and Clientelistic Vote Buying." 2015. The Journal of Politics 77(1):14-26. (With Mason Moseley). 

Online Appendix  Replication file 


"Trust Shaken: Earthquake Damage, State Capacity, and Interpersonal Trust in Comparative Perspective." 2014. Comparative Politics 46(4):419-436. (With Gregory J. Love and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister).

Blogged at Con Distintos Acentos: Investigacion y Reflexion sobre America Latina


"Natural Disaster and Democratic Legitimacy: The Public Opinion Consequences of Chile’s 2010 Earthquake and Tsunami." 2014. Political Research Quarterly: 67(1):3-15. (With Gregory J. Love and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister).

Supplemental Material

Blogged at Con Distintos Acentos: Investigacion y Reflexion sobre America Latina


"What's not to Trust? Rubrics of Political Party Trustworthiness in Chile and Argentina." 2014. Party Politics: 20(1):63-77.

Supplemental Material


"What's at Stake? A Veto-Player Theory of Voter Turnout." 2013. Electoral Studies 32(6):807-818. (With Gregory J. Love). Supplemental Material 


"Context Counts: The Election Cycle, Development, and the Nature of Economic Voting." 2013. The Journal of Politics: 75(3):730-742. (With Matthew M. Singer). 


"Violations of the Rule of Law Fuel Tolerance of Bribery in the Americas." 2013. AmericasBarometer Insights Report 88:1-11.

Abridged and translated as "Debilidad del Estado de Derecho y Sobornos en América." 2014. Este País: Tendencias y Opiniones. Julio, 48-49. 


"The Politics of Interpersonal Trust and Reciprocity." 2013. Political Behavior 35(1):43-63. (With Gregory J. Love).

Supplemental Material


"Preface: Rethinking the Rule of Law: Concepts, Measures, and Theory." 2012. Justice System Journal, Special Issue: Rule of Law, 33(2)125-130: (Co-authored and co-edited with Rodolfo Sarsfield).

 "Rule of Law Typologies in Contemporary Societies." 2012. Justice System Journal, 33(2):154-173.


"Support for Polyarchy in the Americas." 2011. Comparative Political Studies 34(11):1500-1526 (With Matthew M. Singer).


"Distrusting Democrats and Political Participation in New Democracies: Lessons from Chile." 2011. Political Research Quarterly 64(3):668-687.


"Social or Political Cleavages? A Spatial Analysis of the Party System in Post-Authoritarian Chile." 2011. Public Choice 146(1):9-21. (With Claudio A. Bonilla, Gregory J. Love, and Ernesto Silva Mendez).


"The Decline of Citizen Participation in Electoral Politics in Post-Authoritarian Chile." 2006. Democratization 13(4):632-651.


"The Socioeconomic Roots of Support for Democracy and the Quality of Democracy in Latin America." 2006. Revista de Ciencia Politica 26(1):48-66. 



"Populism as Instrument of Democracy? Elections and Representation under Populist Rule.” Forthcoming. In Kirk A. Hawkins, Liza Hawkins, Levente Littvay and Nina Weisehomeier (eds.), The Ideational Approach to Populism: Consequences and Mitigation, Routledge Press, Extremism and Democracy Series. (With Steven M. Van Hauwaert).

“Dirigiendo a la Población hacia la Paz: la Confianza en las Élites, la Legitimidad de la Negociación y el Apoyo a la Justicia Transicional.” Forthcoming. In Sandra Botero and Miguel García-Sánchez (eds.), Paz y Opinión Pública en Colombia. Bogotá and Rosario: Editorial Universidad de Los Andes and Editorial Universidad del Rosario. (With Jennifer L. McCoy and Jelena Subotic).

“Líderes políticos y opinión pública: hacia una paz negociada.” Forthcoming. In Sandra Botero and Miguel García-Sánchez (eds.), Paz y Opinión Pública en Colombia. Bogotá and Rosario: Editorial Universidad de Los Andes and Editorial Universidad del Rosario. (With Gregory J. Love, Julián Acevedo Pardo and Diego Luque).

“Introduction.” 2023. In Timothy Hellwig and Matthew M. Singer (eds.), Economics and Politics Revisited: Executive Approval and the New Calculus of Support. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-31. (With Jonathan Hartlyn, Timothy Hellwig, Gregory J. Love, Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, and Matthew M. Singer.)

“The Executive Approval Database: Conceptual and Empirical Bases.” 2023. In Timothy Hellwig and Matthew M. Singer (eds.), Economics and Politics Revisited: Executive Approval and the New Calculus of Support. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 32-53. (With Jonathan Hartlyn, Timothy Hellwig, Gregory J. Love, Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, and Matthew M. Singer).

"Surveys and the Study of Latin American Politics." 2021. In Harry E. Vanden and Gary Prevost (eds.) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics. Oxford University Press.

"El Chile post-terremoto: Efectos politicos y actitudinales del megasismo del 27 de febrero de 2010." In Juan Pablo Luna, Elizabeth J. Zechmeister, and Mitchell A. Seligson (eds.) Democratic Consolidation in the Americas in Difficult Times: Chile 2010. Nashville: Latin American Public Opinion Project and US-AID, pp. 157-165.


"A Decade of Democratic Legitimacy in the Americas." 2014. In Elizabeth J. Zechmeister (ed.), The Political Culture of Democracy in the Americas, 2014: Democratic Governance across 10 Years of the AmericasBarometer. Nashville, TN: Latin American Public Opinion Project and USAID, pp. 193-226. (With Gregory J. Love and Matthew M. Singer).

"Democracy, Performance, and Local Government in the Americas." 2014. In Elizabeth J. Zechmeister (ed.), The Political Culture of Democracy in the Americas, 2014: Democratic Governance across 10 Years of the AmericasBarometer. Nashville, TN: Latin American Public Opinion Project and USAID, pp. 161-191. (With Gregory J. Love and Matthew M. Singer). 


"Corruption in the Americas." 2014. In Elizabeth J. Zechmeister (ed.), The Political Culture of Democracy in the Americas, 2014: Democratic Governance across 10 Years of the AmericasBarometer. Nashville, TN: Latin American Public Opinion Project and USAID, pp. 139-159. (With Matthew M. Singer and Gregory J. Love).