Double Paradiddle

Just like the single paradiddle, the double paradiddle is also a great pattern for coming up with cool sounding drum beats and drum fills. It’s usually played as 8th note triplets or 16th note triplets, so it’s a great pattern for application to triplet based music. Make sure you count out loud when you practice the double paradiddle - 1 trip let 2 trip let 3 trip let 4 trip let. Due to its sticking pattern, the double paradiddle naturally alternates within itself.

Work on the double paradiddle on a single surface before taking it to the drum set. It’s important you focus on learning how to play the double paradiddle, or any other for that matter, with no tension at all. Memorize the stroke sequence first. Once you have that a down add the metronome in. Once you feel you’re able to play the double paradiddle with ease and control, you can move on to learn some double paradiddle drum beats and drum fills.

Exercise #1 is a half-time drum beat played with 8th note triplets. The concept behind the first double paradiddle drum beat is the same as the one from the first single paradiddle drum beat. The double paradiddle is played between the hi-hat and the snare drum. The right hand plays notes at a normal volume, coming down on the snare drum to play a shot on count 3. The left hand stays on the snare drum playing ghosted notes. Add the bass drum on count 1 and you’re good to go.

Drum beat #2 on this 40 drum rudiments drum lesson is a very cool variation on the previous half-time drum beat. Start by playing the double paradiddle between the left hand on the snare drum and the right hand on the bow of the ride cymbal. Play the “trip” and the “let” of count 2 by moving the right hand to the hi-hat. As you can see on the sheet music below, the snare and bass drum patterns are played exactly like on the previous drum beat.

This next exercise introduces you to playing a fairly basic 8th note drum fill incorporating the double paradiddle. The left hand stays on the snare drum while the right hand moves over to the floor tom. You may find yourself struggling to get consistent double strokes out of the floor tom. The floor tom has a very soggy surface to play on, so there is not much rebound to help you in bouncing your doubles.

Start slowly and focus on getting each stroke of your doubles sounding exactly the same. You’ll have to use wrist strokes to get consistent doubles out of a floor tom. You can also use a snap of the fingers to propel the stick into the drumhead with more velocity. This is done just right after playing the first stroke of the double with your wrists, and will get your doubles sounding really clean.

We’ve finally arrived at the last pattern you’ll learn, this next 8th note triplet double paradiddle drum fill uses the snare drum and all the toms to create a very cool sounding and melodic drum pattern. Once again, focus on getting consistent doubles from the toms. Practice along with a metronome. Stay relaxed, keep a good posture and don’t forget to breathe.