FAQs and Forums

Questions & Answers

Q: When is a good age to start piano?

A: My suggestion will be around age

    5. Anywhere before that will probably

    result in a slower progress.

Q: Do I have a free trial lesson?

A: Yes.

Q: Do I need a piano at home? Can I

     use a keyboard instead?

A: I will say ultimately, you want to have

    a real piano. But for young beginners

    who just started and wish to explore

    a little for now, a keyboard should

    be fine.

Q: How often I need to tune my piano?

A: Mostly around once a year.

Q: How many recitals are there a year?

A: Minimum of twice a year.

Q: Do you offer exams?

A: Yes.

Q: Do I need to practice everyday?

A: Yes at least 4x/week


Periodically, I will be posting issues regarding our studio for everyone to discuss.


Please help us by leaving your precious feedback on those topics. This can really help me in improving our studio in many ways.

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

1. Recital Frequency

2. Practice Length