Certificate of Merit Exam

This exam is offered by the Music Teachers' Association of California.

Its credit is accepted by any University of California. 

Things to know about the exam:

1. This exam is only given once a year (no makeup exams allowed)

2. If anyone failed at one level, he/she will have to repeat the same level next year and pass in order to proceed on.

3. This exam contains 2 parts: Performance & Theory. Everyone must pass both the Performance and the Theory part to pass the level.

4. The scoring system for the Performance exam is as follows:

 - Branch Honor Recital: Scores 5 or above on the Performance Exam (Branch-wide)

 - Convention Recital: Scores 5 or above on the Performance Exam + 80% or higher on the Theory Exam (State-wide). 

    Has to be Level 3 and above.

 - Senior Award: Participate in the Certificate of Merit exam for 3 years within the high school years. 

    Must pass Level 7 or above. 

 - Panel: Designed for top students who passed Advance Level. 

   - Panel Honor Recitals

   - Panel Master Class

   - Young Artist Guild (Highest Achievement)

Performance Exam Date: TBA

Theory Exam Date: TBA


Application Deadline: TBA


 - Performance Exam: TBA

 - Theory Exam: TBA