Club Committee

Rushcliffe Swimming Club is run completely by volunteers: people who give up their time for free to ensure that the club successfully provides swimming lessons for children in a friendly, family oriented atmosphere. We are always keen to welcome new members to the Committee.

The Committee members are responsible for the running of the club, and meet 4 times a year to discuss issues and agree actions that affect the club. Meetings typically take place every three months, on a Monday evening at the Willow Tree pub in Abbey Park.

All club members are welcome to join the meetings and we are very keen to recruit new committee members to help with the running of the club. We currenly have several vacancies on the committee due to people leaving. We also need regular committee members to help out with door duties and other small jobs. There is not a lot of work involved and you can volunteer for as much or as little as you like so please come along if you'd like to find out more.

The AGM is usually held in November at Belle & Jerome on Central Avenue, West Bridgford. All members are very welcome to attend as it is great to see some new faces. Our AGMs are very informal and are a lovely social event with a free drink and buffet provided. They are always a great success and we hope to see you there!

If you want to contact anyone on the Committee, you can use their contact details. If you want to speak to them this is what they look like...