Professional Involvements

  • Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on CAD, IEEE Transactions on Multi-scale Computing Systems, Sadhana (Computers and Data Sciences).
  • Program Co-Chair: SPACE (2014), SPACE (2015), DSD-AHSA 2017, DSD-AHSA 2020.
  • Journal Reviewer: Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE Transactions on CAD; IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing; IEEE Design and Test of Computers; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II; ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems; ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems; ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications; IET Circuits, Devices and Systems; IET Computers and Digital Techniques; Integration, The VLSI Journal (Elsevier); Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (Springer); Digital Signal Processing (Elsevier).
  • Conference Reviewer: VLSID (2014), ISCAS (2012), VLSID (2012).
  • Book Reviewer: Book series titled Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy, and Trust (Morgan Claypool).
  • Academic Judge: IEEE E.J. McCluskey Best Doctoral Thesis Award Contest (part of VTS 2014)
  • Program Committee Member: DAC (2021), VLSID (2012-2019), ICCD (2015-2018), GLSVLSI (2019), RFIDsec (2015), AsianHOST (2016-2019), AHSA (part of DSD) (2014-2019), VDAT (2013-2014), IEEE WRTLT (2012-2017), IEEE HOST (2018), ACM RACS (2012), VDAT (2012-2019), SPACE (2011-2019), ICISS (2014-2017), IEEE IVSW (2016-2018), ACM ASHES (2017-2019).
  • Other Professional Involvement: Invited by IBM to be part of the IBM India Onward initiative, National Service Scheme (NSS) Program Officer (January 2011 – December 2012).