"Thank You" Letters

We, as Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Southern Arizona, take great pride in our efforts to continue to fundraise to support current Peace Corps Volunteers abroad. Here is a place where you can see some of the "Thank You's" sent from volunteers who received funds donated by the Desert Doves.

Follow Up from Zambia Hammermill Project, 2016

From 12/20/19:

I’ve just received word that the first female scholarship recipient has now completed her grade 12!! Because of your donations over 3 years ago, you all have truly given the gift that keeps on giving.

I’ve learned so much over my 5+ years in Zambia. Mostly that with just a small starting boost people are able to turn that in to so much more. So a sincere thank you to all of you for giving a small boost that has blossomed into lasting impact and change. I’ll keep sending updates for years to come!

As for other updates, my husband and I are still in Zambia, running a sustainable honey company called Nature’s Nectar. A joy and a privilege to be able call this place home.

From 9/11/16:

One last update of the hammer mill in Kayipaka [before I close my service]. It has been set in the house in June and it has been in full operation since then and they have already made enough money to sponsor 3 girls next year. They will begin the scholarships and small loans in January.

Not only are females going to be sponsored in school and small loans will be available, community members now only have to travel (usually walking) 1-5 miles to grind their corn instead of 10-15 miles. This project will continue to impact the community for many years to come.

Paraguay - Water Project, 2018

Thank you very much for your recent donation to the Barrio Santa Rosa’i water project.

With your donation, the community was able to complete the installation of a well pump and construction of a water tower and a water tank. The impact this project will have are many, including the improvement of environmental health, the improved capacity of the participants to define and reach future goals and objectives, improved linkages with the members of the community and networks, and improved decision making by changing attitudes.

Our most recent photo album of the Barrio Santa Rosa’i water project can be viewed by clicking the link below.


I hope you will decide to stay in touch with us.

Best regards,

Daniel Humble

Community Economic Development

Peace Corps - Paraguay

Lesotho (Mpapa) School Kitchen Construction Project, 2018

Madagascar Classroom Construction Project, 2017

Benin Classrooms & Latrines for Girls Project, 2016

Togo Water Pump Project, 2016

Burkina Faso Latrine Project, 2015

Togo Latrine Project, 2014