Project definition


The purpose of this project is to develop a self-balancing electric vehicle in a very limited time (9 weeks).

This project is one of the famous projects from the robotics & embedded systems course at Telecom ParisTech.

We are a Franco-Brazilian team of 4 students with different backgrounds: physics, electronics and computing.

The mission

    • Build a vehicle (using a kit from the zzaag project) that can be controlled by people riding it safely

    • Adapt it to be remotely controlled in order to transport non-human loads


    • Maximum load : 90 kg

    • Maximum speed : 20km/h

    • Gravity center: the load must be as high as a human center

    • Common hazards & cliffs detection

    • User behavior: RoseWheel is supposed to detect dangerous configurations but we can't protect a kamikaze from himself


    • Power limitation of the motors

    • Emergency stop:

      • Horizontal position (instantaneous motors stop)

      • Dead man's lock (quiet stop)


RoseWheel operational

Android application for remote control

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