RSPCA Southridge 29th June 2019 - 30th June 2019

Post date: Nov 15, 2019 4:46:3 PM


At RSPCA Southridge we sent 2 teams to compete in a tournament hosted by Hotshots.

Due to several dogs being unable to race due to other commitments both teams were a bit of a mix and match. On a positive note it enabled us to inject some new blood into the teams by awarding open team debuts. We weren't quite sure how the teams would gel but on the day we were delighted with how well all of the dogs ran. Although neither team made it into the Rosettes both Rascals and Rockets earned well deserved 4th places with Rockets achieving a new seed time for this year.

Well done to Kylo(red) who received his UKFL Cadet Award at this competition.