
Q: What's the weakness order?

It is Ring > Bright > Dive > Drill > Pharaoh > Toad > Dust > Skull > Ring.

I tend to do Ring > Dive > Drill > Skull > Bright > Pharaoh > Toad > Dust. There's a section in Bright Man's stage that's difficult without the Balloon or Wire, so it's a good idea to save it for later. This means you fight Dive Man without his true weakness, but he is easy enough to beat with the Mega Buster or Ring. Skull Man is done early so that you get the Hell Wheel earlier, but this isn't a problem because he is easy enough to beat with Drill. The only major drawback to this weakness order is that you will not get the Skull Amulet (which requires sucking up Skull Man with Dust) until Wily 3.

If you are a speed runner, you will likely want to get Skull first.

All of the weapons are at least somewhat effective against all of the robot masters.

The way you use Toad against Dust Man is to turn the garbage into toads as he's sucking it up.

Q: How do I avoid the Quick Man lasers in Ring Man's stage?

You fall faster if you jump from the edge instead of running off the edge. These don't kill you, so you can always heal with Rush Search.

Q: How do I get past the infinite loop in Toad Man's stage?

On the screen where the water falls from top-left to bottom-right, look for the blocks that look different on the ceiling. You can pass through them.

Q: Normal Mode is too hard!

Well, there's always Easy Mode. Normal should be doable for any Mega Man player, though. The first stage can be rough, no matter what you pick. The Mega Buster is not very strong. Once you pick up a few weapons, it gets much easier. Still, the game provides a lot of help. You start with the Energy Charger, the Energy Balancer, the Exchanger, and the Rush Search, which all help in the early going.

Q: I need more help!

The user qzecwx on YouTube absolutely loves Mega Man ROM hacks. He's an expert, so his strategies won't work for everyone, but you can still learn a great deal from watching his runs through the game. He has only done Normal Mode so far, because that's all there was when he last recorded a run; I'm sure he intends to do Hard Mode at some point.

Q: What are the minibosses weak against?

Rong Rong Rong, Rang Rang Rang, and Rung Rung Rung in Ring Man's stage are easy to defeat with the Mega Buster, but Bright annihilates them.

Double Bubble Core in Cossack 3 is weak against Toad.

Shadow Man, except for his final appearance, is weak against multiple weapons; I use Ring.

Enker can only be damaged by the Mega Buster.

Quint is weak against everything. Ring destroys him in under a second on Normal Mode, and he's not much harder on Hard Mode.

Crash Man is weak against Dust.

Wave Man is weak against Skull.

Q: What are the bosses in Cossack's and Wily's castles weak against?

It seems that most of them don't have true weaknesses, so you're stuck using whatever weapon is easiest to hit with. Most of the time, this is Dive. Ring and Drill can also work well on these bosses.

Cossack 1, Mothraya: No weakness. I use Drill.

Cossack 2, Square Machine: Bright.

Cossack 3, Aqua Devil: Ring.

Cossack 4: Nightmare Suzy doesn't have a true weakness. After defeating Nightmare Suzy, you fight Punk, Ballade, and Terra in the order of your choosing. You begin at the East tower. Terra is at the North tower. Ballade is at the West tower. Punk is at the South tower. When you beat a boss, they drop their weapon. If you pick it up, it replaces your Mega Buster for the rest of the stage. Terra, Punk, and Ballade are immune to all weapons except for the Mega Buster and each others' weapons. Once you defeat all three, you can fight Dr. Cossack in the Cossack Catcher. The weakness order is technically Punk -> Ballade -> Terra. Terra's weapon isn't technically any boss's weakness, but it is powerful enough to devastate all of them anyway. Terra is pretty easy to beat with just the Mega Buster. You can ignore a weapon instead of picking it up, so it may be wise to get Terra first and just keep it through the whole stage. The Cossack Catcher doesn't seem to have any weakness, but, again, can be easily defeated with Terra's weapon.

Wily 1: Joe Ni-nin Va All: Just bring a vehicle from the stage. You'll steamroll the boss. If you lose the vehicle, its weakness is Dive. A few uses of Toad will destroy its shield. Two uses of Toad or Dust will quickly finish off the last two enemies.

Wily 2: Snatch Man: Dive or anything else. The four abilities you give him in the second phase of the fight will be gone until you refight the robot masters that give them in Wily 3, so be careful what you pick. If you want the bonus point from Toad Man, do not give him Toad. If you do not yet have the Skull Amulet, you will either want to hold on to Dust or fight Dust Man before Skull Man in Wily 3.

Wily 3:

Wily Machine 4 Form 1: Everything works, but nothing is significantly faster than the Mega Buster. Rush Cannon will do some damage, but once you're out, it's back to the Mega Buster.

Wily Machine 4 Form 2: Wish Star ends this battle immediately. If you choose to fight this boss honestly, his weakness is Skull, although it's a little hard to hit him with it. If it's too hard, Drill and Dive can reach his weak point from the ground. When he charges up energy in his fan, you will need to switch to Mega Buster and attack it repeatedly to stop him from doing an unavoidable attack for tons of damage. This boss has an annoyingly long invincibility duration, so don't waste your ammo by spamming it while he's invulnerable.

Wily 4:

Chimerabot #1: Drill or Dive

Chimerabot #2: Bright

Chimerabot #3: Dive

Optical Capsule: Dive