Take Action / Join

Please contact your State Senator and Delegate and ask them to Keep The Ban on uranium mining in Virginia. For more information review our statement listed in the Issues section or:

Contact: Daryl Downing, dtdowning@comcast.net

KNOW YOUR VIRGINIA LEGISLATORS! Members are encouraged to get to know your Virginia Delegate and Senator. Contact them whenever you have a concern about environmental issues or pending legislation. To find your Virginia Delegate and Senator, click here (Virginia Legislature Web Site)

NOT A MEMBER YET? We invite you to join with hundreds of environmentalists in our region (and hundreds of thousands throughout the United States).

Click on "National" (at left) for easy online membership application.


CONTACT ONE OF OUR LOCAL ACTIVISTS OR OFFICERS: We are always happy to hear from members, prospective members, and other interested persons. Click the "Contact us" link on the menu bar for a complete list of the group leadership and how to contact each of them.

CHECK OUT OUR UPCOMING EVENTS - Click the "Events" link on the menu bar. Here you will find information on upcoming events and activities, along with contact information to find out how to get involved. Visitors are always welcome at any of our events or programs, except for Executive Committee meetings, which are open to Sierra Club members only.

STATE AND NATIONAL -- To browse the Virginia Chapter's or the National Sierra Club's website, click their links in the column at the above left on this page, under TAKE ACTION.