MVP Construction Monitoring

A group of volunteers helps monitor pipeline construction sites to record and report on erosion and sediment issues and other water quality matters. It operates as part of the MVW (Mountain Valley Watch).

Mountain Valley Watch is an element of POWHR (Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights), which is a collaborative effort among volunteers, non-profits and private interests including the Sierra Club, Trout Unlimited, Appalachian Voices, New River Geographics, SouthWings, various “Preserve” groups and others

To REPORT violations to Mountain Valley Watch:

Pipeline violations can be reported to the Mountain Valley Watch via our online

Erosion Control Survey Form

(, via email at, or through the MVW hotline by text or voice at (833) 689-2824.

MVP background and POWHR points here .

Go to POWHR website: POWHR.ORG for news of opposition to the MVP pipeline.

Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights (POWHR) is an interstate coalition representing individuals and groups from Virginia and West Virginia dedicated to protecting water, land, and communities from harms caused by the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure, including the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP).