4/16/2013 -- Agnews Update: City supports AB503

Post date: Aug 3, 2013 10:03:09 PM

From CM Chu:

On Tuesday, the San José City Council unanimously passed a resolution supporting AB 503, an Assembly Bill introduced by Assemblymember Bob Wieckowski that requires the State’s Director of General Services to transfer title of the Agnews Developmental Center to the Santa Clara Unified School District for educational purposes at fair market value. AB 503 will be at the Accountability and Administrative Review Committee on Wednesday, May 1st at 9:00 am. I would like to thank Assemblymember Wieckowski, Superintendent Bobbie Plough and the Santa Clara Unified School District, as well as all the North San José and Alviso residents, for their strong support throughout this process. We are one step closer in obtaining the Agnews site for a school campus.

Related documents and memos:

For more information about the ongoing effort to secure Agnews East for a school, see here.