
Custom Accessories Collection

British Bulldog Cape

Steel Cage

Undertaker's Casket


Hell in a Cell

Hulk Hogan Shirts

In Your House Set



Anyone who has seen old footage from MadisonSquareGarden knows of the infamous flying microphone of the 80’s. Well since getting the Fink I had to make his custom microphone too.

How did I make it you ask? Really quite simple.

- Custom made MSG logo printed on photo paper on 2 sides.

- 2 silver jakks microphones

- bent paper clip

- taped it all together

- heat paper clip with a lighter (get adult to help you) and push the microphone into the hot paper clip.

- Suspend with thread.

WWE HD Stage (Smack Down Inserts)

Turnbuckle Pads

WWWF Big Green Belt

“Big Green” Classic WWF 80’s Champion ship belt. Here is a little custom I had had in the works for some time now. I simply made a custom fake leather strap added the belt plates from the old LJN title. This belt works great as it had the correct face plate. I simply cut all the plates off and painted them gold. Over all I am very happy with the results.