
Classic Superstars Archive

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Classic Superstars Archives

This page is dedicated to the Classic Superstars figures of the past. Ones that came out before the birth of the RingSkirts reviews. Some are from our past collection and some will be new additions.

Deluxe Classic Superstars 07

Tito Santana

Oh classic deluxe series, how I am disappointed in you. Let me count the reasons why. The deluxe line of WWE figures has never impressed me. Those of you that have read my reviews before know that I hate the gangly legs and the general height discrepancy between them and there RA brethren. It has always been just a sad excuse to charge more money for an action figure but to be fair let’s look at what the guidelines were that the “Deluxe” line was to meet up to.

One aspect that the DA line was supposed to deliver was increased playability in the form of points of articulation. And they did ad more noticeably in the upper thigh, knees, ankles, and mid section. The CSDA box clearly states that there 50% more articulation compared to RA figures. But if you ask me the idea was done half heartedly. I mean great the leg articulation is cool in allowing you to do moves like the sharp shooter or the figure four but what about the arms? I mean why not an extra joint in the elbow like the knee has so you can really be “Deluxe?” The other side of the story of what makes the DA line “special” is the “Deluxe” accessories. Well you can clearly see with Tito that he seemed to have missed out on that good fortune. Unless you consider an inaccurate single panel ring skirt a deluxe accessory. I mean couldn’t he have at least had his pink and yellow bull taunting cape. Or heaven forbid we go as far as to include his jacket and hat. NOooo that would be way too much to ask. That series would have to be called Jakks WWE Supper Duper Incredibly Awesome and Cool Deluxe Classic Superstars (SDIACDCS). But if you think about it has CSDA ever really had much in the realm of accessories. The first series did give us nice painted belts but that was pretty much it. Nothing like you had exposed in the original DA line. I mean those things had not only the crappy gimmick weapons but tables, announce booths, and tall ladders just to name a few. I mean Tito was a former WWF Tag and IC champion. Why no painted belt for him. I guess we are to be happy with that sad excuse for a ring skirt.

Next let’s look at the packaging. This is series 07. 07?!? Why the zero? I mean are they artificially trying to make it look like the series made it to the double digits? if that’s the case why not call it 007 or does MGM have the copy right on that. And why is he just called Tito Santana when this is clearly El Matador. Oh hold on, I’m not done. If that wasn’t enough, why include nice “Deluxe” detail on the box photo of the figure but don’t allow that to come out on the actual toy. Now I understand that prototypes don’t always end up being the final product but I mean seriously. Why would you display a superior product proto on the box? That’s like saying he look at this awesome thing we designed and enjoy the table scraps piece of crap that we’re going to give you. The main detail that was left off in this figure was the boots. The golden bull logos are gone and the white and black boot detail are completely omitted. He also seems to have a bit of the lack of confidence curse where the figure always seems to be looking down at his feet due to the way the head peg hole is designed.

So you may be wondering, why would a guy that hates the DA line so much waste his money on this figure. Well I like Tito and I grew up on Hasbro. And this figure represents that era. I know there are plans to get him in RA style in a three pack but I have my doubts. We all know how the end of a license usually makes figure more difficult to find. And the CS 3 packs are already difficult to hunt down as is. So I wanted to ensure that I had an El Matador in my collection. I must admit that I am happy that they were kind enough to give us a new head scan for Tito in the style that he wore his hair in that era. Bottom line I would rather him in RA. Arriba!


TTL Kurt Angle

So we are going to dip a ways back into the vault with this review looking at one of the Titian Tron Lie style figures that I had a hard time finding. But to my good fortune eBay comes through again! This is the infamous toupee Angle action figure. For those of you that don’t know the back story I will let you in on it. I don’t know the full details but basically angle used to have hair and of course lost a hair match (if memory serves me right). He then went on SmackDown for weeks wearing a toupee held to his head with a set of armature wrestling head gear. He would even have the audacity to deny loosing the match and his hair. Damn Kurt was entertaining back then. Any ways the figure is a decent TTL style figure. The head scan is hilarious and the hair piece was worth the figure alone. It fits pretty well on his RA style figures too though it is a bit tighter. RS Rated: 8


Classic Superstars 1

Bret Hart

So I have most of the figures in the Classic series but the one series that was hard for me to find with CS1. First off all I had near me at the time of its release was a ill stocked Walmart, a KB over an hour a way, and a TRU that was over 3 hours away. But through the wonder of eBay I was able to snag this (now I just need a loose Warior and Andre). This figure was truly one of the figures that solidified the CS line as legit and powerful. Yes it had its down points of current guys and re packaged TTL style bodies or R3 bodies but Jakks showed there commitment by actually singing to of the most popular superstars in wrestling history not to mention the fact that they both had poor relations with the WWE at the time. I am referring to Bret Hart and the Ultimate Warrior. He is pictured in his popular attire as seen when he had his first world title run. The figure is pretty well detailed with the exception of the boots and the back of the figure. He did not come with his trademark pink glasses but did come with the not so accurate early version of Jakks WWF title on black. I like how his face was painted with a bit of stubble on his chin too. A very nice figure and a great trip down memory lane.