Self Perpetuating Evolution

Self Perpetuating Evolution

Learn, Grow, Thrive, Evolve

Faith and Evolution;

The Keys to Personal Evolution and the Kingdom Ahead

By; Robert E. Gebbie

Evolution is commonly described as a process of continuous

change from a lower to a higher state. In human evolution it is

often the genetic stages of change that are commonly thought

of, such as the physical development from primitive to modern

man. Perhaps our spiritual and intellectual evolution are also tied

to the forward and ever changing progress of humanity as we

journey from what we once were to what we will become. Most

religious and spiritual ideals center on the belief of living our

lives in a manner that allows us, on death, to transcend from the

physical form to the ethereal. Perhaps like Humanity’s genetic

and intellectual development, our spiritual journey has also been

an evolutionary process of several thousand years, a progression

of lessons leading to the present day. As our genetic progress

changes the physical body, and the sciences change mankind’s

perceptions and understandings, so should our personal spirituality

develop as well.

Some of the key principals that have helped me grow and become

the individual I am today can be simple in their concept,

but nearly impossible in their execution. To look deeply within

ourselves with honesty, and face the best and worst aspects of

one’s self is never an easy endeavor.

The Keys

1. Honesty with self

2. Forgiveness of self

3. Evaluation of self

4. Strive to improve on self

5. Move on


Be Honest; only when you can be completely truthful

with yourself can you remove obstacles from your Future Path.

We often create false memories of experiences to justify actions

or mask emotions. We may also re-arrange the events

and experiences of our history to justify or avoid present day

moral conflicts. Take responsibility for yourself in both thought

and action. Accept that no one is perfect and that no person is

always right or justified in the choices of their past. Eliminate

the walls between the truth and the lies you can create to protect

yourself from the emotions you fear to examine. Break

down the barriers that block you from who you truly are.


Forgive yourself; allow the failures of your past to be

the lessons which build your future. Learn from poor choices,

allow yourself to let go of the things you cannot change. Remove

the burden of guilt, regret and missed opportunities, by

forgiving yourself for not meeting your own expectations.

When you hold on to the mistakes and poor judgments of your

past, you add obstacles to your future journey, and a larger

load of unresolved emotions to the weight you bear. Clear

away the inner conflicts of your history and approach the future

without the prejudices and burdens that your life experiences

have caused.


Evaluate Often; be willing to adapt and adjust to the

continually changing landscape of life. As you grow, your perspectives

and expectations will alter. A frequent assessment of

where you stand with yourself makes it much easier to determine

the next step in becoming who you wish to be. Take

every opportunity to re-center yourself on your goals and the

path ahead of you. The better you know who you are, the

more successful you will be in achieving positive growth.


Strive to improve; make a true and honest effort

to grow and evolve. The reason for personal development

is to become a greater you tomorrow than you

are today. Be open to new ideas and concepts, you

can spend a great amount of time and effort maintaining

outdated ideas. Evolution itself means change in a

positive manner, and to effect growth you must be

open to accept and adapt to new information. Make a

sincere commitment and take personal action in following

a course that leads to a greater you.


Move on; build on both the positive and negative

experiences that will occur in your journey forward.

Allow every moment to be a chance to make

positive change in you. You can make the decision, at

any moment in your life, to be a greater and better

Human in your future than you have been in your past.

Leave your history behind and move on in your journey

forward. Continue striving to become the Human

you aspire to be.

After many years of applying this process again and again,

constantly placing the burden of accountability and responsibility

upon my own shoulders for the direction of my life, I had

an epiphany. In my attempt to simply be a better individual

and live up to my own personal expectations and truth, I accidentally

opened a doorway that changed everything I thought I

knew or believed. I now have a peace and happiness in my

life that I have never known before. Because of my personal

revelations, my wife and I now lead our lives by the philosophies

and understandings that we gained from this experience.

Focus on Your Future

By; Robert E. Gebbie

Every process, including life, has three stages; a beginning, a

middle, and an ending. Relative to the journey of life, these steps

might represent our past, present and future. Yesterday is behind

us, today is here, but tomorrow presents endless possibilities.

Experience – The Past

The road of life can be an interesting journey, our experiences

become tools for learning, or roadblocks stalling our progress. Events

and people influence our lives, everyday. The impact of a negative

situation can take years to overcome, or an instant to move past.

Strive to understand the effect the past has, are there issues of pride,

confidence, or emotion that remain unresolved and slow your


Action – The Present

Decisions made today define the direction we travel tomorrow.

Take action now; make the decision to move forward in yourself and

your life. The destination is yours to choose. Steps made toward

personal growth today may yield the rewards you see tomorrow.

Result – The Future

Ahead can be a landscape of possibilities, or a narrow path obstructed

with many obstacles. When we define ourselves and grow

from our experiences, the future can present a world of possibilities.

Learn from the past, use that knowledge today and it will lead to

the accomplishments ahead. History may dictate who we are by experiences

we have had, but it does not command the person we may

become. Each new day can be approached as an adventure awaiting

our discovery, or a chore we would rather avoid. The journey of

growth can be a long and personal one, but when striven for and not

labored after, the results can be amazing.

Controlling Your Future

By; Robert E. Gebbie

We are the result of our experiences both good and bad. There

are numerous factors that create the people we become in life. Some

of these events we have direct influence on or control over, while others

are a matter of timing and fate. Everyone, each person in this

world, has an individual perspective and their own unique story to tell.

From the lucky and successful, to the disaster ridden and misfortunate,

every path has a personal amount of choice and its own measure

of the unexpected.

The degree of influence an individual takes over the direction of

his or her own life is a choice in itself. There will always be an element

of the unknown, but many times the outcome and results can be

changed with some effort. Take the lead in deciding which path your

journey will follow. Participate in the decisions that determine your

destiny. With drive and persistence, an individual can accomplish their

dreams and be the architect and builder of their own future.

Know what you want:

Have a destination for your vision, know what it is you wish to accomplish.

When a person defines their dreams, they create goals and

clarify the directions in which they want their efforts to lead. Every

journey has a desired end and provides an objective for the individual

to strive for.

From long term career ambitions to a short-term desire for lunch,

when you know what you want, it is much easier to find a means of

making the wish become a reality. The clearer and more defined you

make your vision, the simpler it is to find a path to those dreams.

Having a target to aim for, an individual can then focus their talent,

passion and drive to achieve accomplishments that would otherwise

seem impossible.

Make a plan:

Now that you have an end desire, it is time to find the means to

get there. Outline a plan and create a process with steps to follow and

benchmarks to be accomplished. Write it down! Make note of the key

factors involved, and the steps you must take to achieve your goal.

With a defined path you can measure progress and make assessments

or choices about how best to accomplish your goals.

Personal or career pursuits find a much smoother means to success

when there is a strong strategy providing the materials to build

with. Small achievements rapidly develop into greater accomplishments

when they are part of a larger whole. Similar to building a wall,

each brick set in place becomes part of a bigger structure.

Take action:

Little has ever been achieved without taking action. Action is the

force that creates results. Desires become reachable ambitions when

a person makes the choice to direct their own course in following their

dreams. Individuals have the ability to create opportunity in their lives

when they take charge and become the masters of their destiny.

Often it is the manner that people approach their lives, which creates

the fulfillment or disappointment of their wants and wishes. Everyone

has the power to accomplish change in his or her life. With patience

and perseverance, individuals can make great progress at

achieving their goals. Every day presents an opportunity to grow and

expand your understanding of yourself and of the world around you.

Impossible dreams become reachable achievements when people take

charge of the direction their lives lead.

How will you leave your mark?

By; Robert E. Gebbie

We spend our lives with too much self involvement, getting mired

in the small details without ever viewing the larger great works being

created right in front of us. When a person drops the veils and misconceptions

that have been presented as a reality, and allow themselves

to accept the things they know within to be true and right, a new

awareness and vision emerge. For me, the path was open to find the

answers I seek.

The purpose of life, in my opinion, is to continually strive to better

ourselves and our understanding of the world around us. To be true to

our purpose and move forward, ever growing and evolving in who we

as a species have become. To one day evolve beyond the barriers of

this world and move forward into an existence of spirit or energy beyond

our current abilities.

As a species, we have been passing forward the sum of our learning

and existence to the generations that come after us. Through the

works left behind, from cave paintings to written word, we express our

perspectives and understandings to anyone and everyone who will take

notice. We are creatures of expression, needing to make our mark and

be recognized. The human race has been on a long and difficult journey

in understanding our place in creation. The messages created of

our concepts and ideas have been recorded through history in art and

writing and in our ever growing forms of expression. We seek with

hope and faith while trying to understand with science and philosophy,

and in everything we do we cry out to say “I am.”

With expression, we communicate and mix our experiences and

perspectives to an overall greater truth and knowledge. Exploring life,

we add our chapter to a larger and continually expanding manuscript

of human existence. We crave acknowledgement for the things that

have been accomplished, to be understood and leave a mark on history.

As a race, we strive to become something better than we are as

individuals. Creating, and becoming creators ourselves. Making an

honorable, lasting impression on the universe, and perhaps time itself.

Faith in a greater purpose gives people the desire to strive for better,

while evolution and reason define the details of our learning along this


The human race has great curiosity and imagination, we

dream of things both real and of fantasy. In every fragment of

our essence we crave to be the masters of our own destinies and

the creators of our future. Reaching into the depths of our individuality

as well as out to the stars in an attempt to answer the

questions of our existence and place in everything.

We are the only creatures I know who spend their entire lives

documenting and recording themselves, in millions of forms and

in millions of ways we say I am, was and have been, I must leave

my mark, I creator, see what I have done. So Create! Take a

photograph, draw a picture, write a line, sculpt, build, design,

teach or communicate. Create, invent and imagine because that

is what it means to be human and for all of us I might even

speculate that this is the true meaning of life, and the answer to

everything we are, to leave our mark, to be remembered.