Book Shelf
Here you can find a list of our books and publications with links to the online stores where they can be purchased as well as short previews of their content.
At Our Book Store On Blurb - RGebbiePhoto Books
Some of the clients we shoot portraits of like to display their images in books.Introducing Rachel’s 40 page hardcover book, “2010”. Her boudoir style book has been requested by so many of her friends, she decided to open it up for public sale. She offers a preview of a portion of her book, and invites you to take a look and see!
(Prices are set by our clients, and are shipped directly to you from the printer within 2 weeks of ordering.)
These books are offered to our portrait clients, and we hope to have more available in the coming weeks.
If you plan on being in the Las Vegas area, and would like to set up your own Book shoot, drop us a line at We would be happy to discuss various options available for your photographic needs.
An inspirational journey through the emotions of Man. The artist takes an intimate look at pain and frustration, through words and photography. The words remain hopeful and inspiring, allowing the reader to personalize the experience.
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Coffee Table Book, May 9, 2009
B. Short - (Seattle, WA)
Robert and Lori give excellent insight into who they are and the troubles they have overcome in this delightful book. The writing provides person insights while the pictures convey the raw emotions.
Having met the couple, they are great and wonderful people. I am thankful for the opportunity to spend time talking to them, and grateful for the autograph for my book.
An exploration in the beauty of flowers against the backdrop of night. Photographs by James Burns"I picked flowers because this is a passion of mine, to photograph flowers with emotional meaning. I look at flowers in a whole new light, so to speak. I’m able to create a drama, an intensity in the image. The flowers take on an emotion all their own.***********************************************************
Responses to "Beautiful Souls"
sandra L - I truly love the pictures they are beautiful omg you two are amazing i love you
Anne... - I was over to the site yesterday and saw your blog I think it was, with a few photos. Nice. I love photos of "real" people. We're beautiful too, us real people who are not models!
Mike W: - It's a very good book . The pic's are very nicely done, My hat's off too Mr. G . It's an awesome job. Thank you, and R.H.A. say's to tell you she gives it a 10 out of 10.
E-books - At our Amazon Kindle store
Beautiful Souls a portrait of eleven women
I asked ten of my friends to come by for a photo shoot to make this book. We were hoping for some good shots, a book to be shared in the social circle we travel in, and a good time for everyone. But the shots were just amazing.
Robert Gebbie is the photographer for this book. His portraiture captures the true essence of his subjects. "Beautiful Souls" shows that true beauty comes from within.
An inspirational journey through the emotions of Man. The artist takes an intimate look at pain and frustration, through words and photography. The words remain hopeful and inspiring, allowing the reader to personalize the experience.5.0 out of 5 stars Great Coffee Table Book, May 9, 2009B. Short - (Seattle, WA)
Robert and Lori give excellent insight into who they are and the troubles they have overcome in this delightful book. The writing provides person insights while the pictures convey the raw emotions.
Having met the couple, they are great and wonderful people. I am thankful for the opportunity to spend time talking to them, and grateful for the autograph for my book.