Curriculum VitaE

Current position

2021 - Research permanent position at INRAe in the Centre de Biologie et Gestion des Populations (CBGP) - France | Study of the gut microbiota composition of wild rodents

Former positions

2019 - 2018 Post-doctoral fellow at INRAe – CBGP (France) - ICIPE (Kenya) | Development of a natural insect repellent for culture protection

2018 -2015 Post-doctoral fellow INRAe – BGPI (France) | Study of nanoviruses transmission

2015 - 2013 Post-doctoral fellow INRAe – BGPI (France) | Using plant genetic diversity to control plant diseases

2013 - 2009 Post-doctoral fellow CEFE – CNRS (Montpellier) | Escherichia coli adaptation to pH and antibiotics

2008 - 2006 Post-doctoral fellow State Univ. of NY at Albany (USA) | Lambda phage adaptation to E. coli biofilms


2020 - University diploma (DU) in Clinic research (Montpellier Medical school)      

2006 - PhD in Ecology (Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie University)      

Topic: coevolutionary interactions between the predatory bacterium B. bacteriovorus and its bacterial host P. fluorescens

2002 - Master in Genetics (Paris 7 - Denis Diderot University) 

2002 - Master in Ecology (Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie University)

Scientific inventions and innovations

          - Estimation of the number of target molecules amplified during a NGS study 

          - Measuring selective coefficient with high precision 

          - M. oryzae conservation method at -80°C : savoir-faire secret (DI-RV-15-0001)

Scientific publications

          - 30 publications in International scientific journals (Elife, ISME, Evolution, Genetics...)

          - Co-author of the chapter on Experimental Evolution in "Biologie Evolutive" 2nd edition (De Boeck)

          - Reviewer for major scientific journals (PLOS genetics, PLOS pathogens, Ecology Letters, Evolution...)

Work experience

          - Research scientist since 2006 - specialized in the evolution of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi)

          - Expertise in Gut Microbiota analysis, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Plant Biology and Statistics

          - Consultant for the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) in 2007-2008 

          - Teaching experience 

          2002 - 2019 - Training of Master and PhD students, technicians, and engineers 

          2008 - Instructor for the ASCP

          2003 - 2005 - Teaching assistant at the Paris 6 University

Student supervision

2017 - Mahsa Mansourpour - Post-doctoral fellow

2015 - Jeremy Di Mattia - Master-2 student (graduation and obtention of a PhD grant)

2012 - Noémie Harmand - Master-2 student (graduation and obtention of a PhD grant)

2011 - Yasmin Latour - Master-2 student (graduation and obtention of a PhD grant)

2009 - Sherin Kannoly - PhD student co-supervision


- Work experience in seven countries (France, USA, Spain, Greece, Vietnam, Haiti, Kenya)

- Setting up of two microbiology lab (ENS Paris and CEFE Montpellier)

- French, English, and Spanish spoken and written fluently