
  • PhD Student, Federal University of Minas Gerias (UFMG), Brazil, Electrical Engineering Department, Robotic Lab (CORO), Sep 2012- Apr 2016,

  • Major Subjects: Multi-Agent System, Robot Modeling & Control, Robot Navigation, Multi-Objective Optimization. GPA(90.5 out of 100)

  • Thesis Subject: " New Strategies for Multi-Robot Coordination in Optimal Deployment Problems "

  • Advisor: Prof. Dr. Luciano Pimenta Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Luiz Chaimowicz

  • Master of Science in Artificial intelligence and robotics in Azad University of Qazvin, Qazvin, Iran, (2007-2011)

  • Major Subjects: Machine Vision, Knowledge Engineering & Data mining, Machine Learning, Digital Image Processing, Evolutionary Algorithm, Neural Network, Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing. GPA(18.17 out of 20)

  • Thesis Subject: “Object Recognition: Improving SIFT Descriptor against Illumination Invariant",

  • Advisor: Dr. F. Mahmoudi, Co-Adviser: Prof. M. R. Meybodi (Head of Computer Engineering Faculty) (Score: 19 out of 20)

  • Researcher* at Mechatronic Research Laboratories, (2008-2011)

  • Advisor: Dr. F. Mahmoudi

  • Bachelor of Science in Shomal University of Amol (SUA) Computer Engineering Department, Tehran, Iran, (2002-2007)

  • Major Subjects: Image Processing, Database Design, Compiler, Artificial Intelligent, Algorithm Design, (GPA 17.58 out of 20)

  • Thesis Subject: “Design a Case tools that Convert Flowchart to C++ Source code”.

  • Advisor: Dr. Homayoon Motameni, (Score: 19.5 out of 20)

* I worked in software and machine vision group of Mechatronic Research Laboratory (MRL) at home robot league for 2 years. I joined to competitions at world RoboCup in China –Austria and Singapore. It was my incentive to work 2 more years at MRL and this time as a team leader.