Photoshop tutorials

Must see websites

Websites that has a collection of good links to other photoshop tutorials

Photoshop Actions

Photoshop Styles

Photoshop Filters and Plugins

Not Photoshop but great design tool!

    • Rasterbator - creates huge, rasterized images from any picture. Upload an image, print the resulting multi-page pdf file and assemble the pages into extremely cool looking poster up to 20 meters in size.

    • Additionaly if you have completed the photo to sketch tutorial, try to rasterbate it coz it is already in black and white and you wont be using too much ink. Try it!

    • Use PSD files as productivity tool, design your own desktop wallpaper -

Photography Videos

    • David Ziser -


How to make 3d Glasses

Vanishing point Tutorial

Russel Brown introduces the vanishing point, hilarious! 0r download the quicktime movie if youtube is blocked in your office :(

Digital Tattoos

A simple way to make digital tattoos, I discuss in my photoshop class how to take it further, like embracing (or contour) the shape of the object and not just paste it in the object which sometimes make it look fake

CS5 New features

    1. Content Aware fill -

    2. Puppet Warp -