Photoshop Exam

This will be the Photoshop Exam for the basic course in Photoshop (if youre gonna cheat make sure you get everything right, eh?)

    1. What's the first thing you should check when you open up Photoshop for the first time?

    2. How do you make the background layer behave like a normal layer?

    3. Write at least 3 keyboard shortcuts and their equivalent

    4. What mode should you be working in? sRGB, RGB, CMYK? Give one reason why

    5. Give one best practice when working with layers

    6. Give 3 blending modes for layers

    7. Whats the difference between raster and vector images

    8. How many fonts/typeface should you use in one document?

    9. How many colors should be used in a document to cut down on costs?

    10. What resolution should you be working in when you want to have it printed?