Handouts for Photoshop

at the bottom of the page are the links for the PDF course outline:

    • Complete Photoshop Course Outline

    • Desktop Publishing using Photoshop Course Outline

What is Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop is the indusrtry standard for image enhancement and/or manipulation and compositing for print, multimedia and the Web. It's the best out there, bar none.

Official website: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/

Setting up Photoshop

Setting up Preferences


    1. Set history to 99

    2. Uncheck - export clipboard to history

    3. Check – Zoom resizes windows

File Handling:

    1. Maximize PSD compatibility – Never if you are not using lower versions of Photoshop.

Plug-in & Scratch Disk

    1. First – Start-up

    2. Second C: or other hard drives


    1. Increase when using Photoshop Alone

    2. Decrease when using with other applications simultaneously

    3. Windows has dynamic memory allocation capability.

Re-start Photoshop for settings to take effect.

Color Settings

Working Spaces

    1. Set to Adobe RGB 1998

Color Management

    1. RGB - Convert to working RGB

    2. CMY – off

    3. Profile mismatches – uncheck

Name your settings to personalize it