Write end of Sheet Number to Shared Parameter

This Revit macro will take the sheet number from the "SHEET_NUMBER" built-in parameter, and write the last 6 digits of that sheet number to a shared instance parameter in the title block.

public void SheetParameter()


//standard setup lines - uidoc gives access to the revit user interface, and doc gives access to the open revit file

UIDocument uidoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;

Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

//gets the current view

Autodesk.Revit.DB.View pView = ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView;

//gets selected objects

Selection selection = uidoc.Selection;

ICollection<ElementId> selectedIds = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();

//set up some objects or variables to store

//seting them up here gives access throughout this macro

IList<Element> ElementsOnSheet = new List<Element>();

Element MyTitleBlock = null;

string message = "";

string SubString = "";

Parameter p = null;

IList<Element> m_alltitleblocks = new List<Element>();

// get all the sheets in the current revit project (if more than one project is open, it will use the project in the active view.)

List<ViewSheet> sheets = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).WhereElementIsNotElementType() .OfClass(typeof(ViewSheet)).Cast<ViewSheet>().ToList();

//now we need to set up a transaction before anyting in the revit file is changed

using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Update sheet numbers"))



//go through each sheet in the revit project

foreach( ViewSheet vs in sheets)


//we need a try statement to avoid crashing this macro if the sheet names are less than 6 digits



//get the sheet number parameter, the sheet number, and teh last 6 digits

p = vs.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_NUMBER);

string mystring = p.AsString();

SubString = mystring.Substring(mystring.Length-6);

//find all the elements on the sheet - one should be the title block

foreach (Element e in new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OwnedByView(vs.Id))




//get all the title blocks in the project

FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);



m_alltitleblocks = collector.ToElements();

//go through all the elements on the sheet and see if one has an ID that matches a title block

foreach (Element el in ElementsOnSheet)


foreach (FamilySymbol Fs in m_alltitleblocks)


if (el.GetTypeId().IntegerValue == Fs.Id.IntegerValue)


//when a match is found, set it equal to MyTitleBlock

//this next line was a problem - I was picking the family definition, not

//the title block on the sheet

//MyTitleBlock = Fs;

//here is what is needed

MyTitleBlock = el;

} // end if

} // end foreach familysymbol

}//end foreach element

//now that we have the titleblock, look for the parameter

Parameter myParam = MyTitleBlock.get_Parameter(new Guid ( "75b07d4f-f37a-4658-9ce6-45d8f20c10f2"));

//testing task dialogs

//TaskDialog.Show("Titleblock Name", MyTitleBlock.Name.ToString ());

//TaskDialog.Show("Parameter Name", myParam.Definition.Name.ToString());

//TaskDialog.Show("Param Value AsString", myParam.AsString ());

//depending on the paramter, sometimes asstring works, sometimes we need asvaluestring, and sometimes we need tostring

//trial and error to see what works is the only way I can figure it out

//TaskDialog.Show("Param Value As Value String", myParam.AsValueString ());

//TaskDialog.Show("Param Value To String", myParam.ToString ());

//TaskDialog.Show("Sheet Index", SubString);

//here is where the parameter is actually set to the last 6 digits of teh sheet number

bool b = myParam.Set (SubString);

//another troubleshooting dialog

TaskDialog.Show("Set Param Sucess?", "Sheet #: " + mystring + " " + b.ToString());

}// end try




//send a messagebox so the user knows what sheets were found

message = message + p.AsString() + " " + SubString + "\n\r";

}// end foreach sheet

trans.Commit ();

} //end using transaction

TaskDialog.Show("Revit - all the sheet numbers are", message);

} //end public void SheetParameter