Get the Last Element Placed

This Revit Macro will get the last element placed in the model. It works by finding the largest Element ID number in the model.

public void GetLastElement()


UIDocument uidoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;

Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

Autodesk.Revit.DB.View pView = ActiveUIDocument.Document.ActiveView;

Selection selection = uidoc.Selection;

ICollection<ElementId> selectedIds = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();

//get all the elements in the model;

ElementClassFilter familyInstanceFilter = new ElementClassFilter( typeof( FamilyInstance ) );

FilteredElementCollector familyInstanceCollector = new FilteredElementCollector( doc );

IList<Element> elementsCollection = familyInstanceCollector.WherePasses( familyInstanceFilter ).ToElements();

IList<Element> modelElements = new List<Element>();

foreach( Element e in elementsCollection )


if( ( null != e.Category ) && ( null != e.LevelId ) && ( null != e.get_Geometry( new Options() ) ) )


modelElements.Add( e );




//Element e1 = elementsCollection.FirstOrDefault();

Element e1 = modelElements.FirstOrDefault ();

ElementId last_eid = e1.Id;

foreach (Element e in modelElements)


if (e.Id > last_eid)


last_eid = e.Id;



//ElementId last_eid = modelElements.Max();

//TaskDialog Box for Troubleshooting -

//TaskDialog.Show ("Last Element ID = ", last_eid.IntegerValue.ToString());

//Get the last element placed:

Element last_e = doc.GetElement(last_eid );

using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc, "Select Last Element Placed"))


if( last_eid != null)



ICollection<ElementId> LastelementId = new List<ElementId>();


selection.SetElementIds(LastelementId );



