2. Plan

    • Where can I find information?
    • What are the best resources to start with?
    • How do I know which resources provide the best, most valid information?
    • What are smaller questions I need answered to help with my big question?


Task G: Where can I find information? What are the best resources to start with?

Write a blog post (name it “Planning”) describing which resources you plan to use to do your research, why they are good sites and why doing a regular Google search and not an “advanced search” is not such a great idea. Why is it better to get information from a book or an online encyclopedia than finding a site through a search engine?

Task H: How do I know which resources provide the best, most valid information?

First, learn about evaluating Web sites by reading through the University of Purdue’s evaluation technique site and the one at the University of California.

Next, look up the following words using the two accepted sources of Yahoo Kids and Merriam-Webster Word Central. Record the definitions in your own words (paraphrase).

Current - Relevant - Accurate - Credible - Appropriate - Bias

(Source for terms)

Be prepared to share with the class definitions of each word in your own words. Bring either a paper or a copy on your laptop.

*Evaluating Web Sites: The librarian will share information on how to evaluate Web sites.

Now go to Stage 3- Do