What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

What is Reiki? What do you mean by universal energy? You could read a hundred books on Reiki and still not know, still not understand and still not believe in it. On the other hand, after just a few minutes of receiving Reiki healing, you’ll know that Reiki is warm, comforting and healing. The proof of Reiki is when you experience the energy in your body and mind. The measure of Reiki is how widely you are willing to open your mind and how brave you are to make the changes that Reiki facilitates. But maybe you don’t believe me…

My book, "Personal Transformation through Reiki" presents a holistic perspective of the world of Reiki: how it works and how to use it for healing and growth. This book presents step by step guidelines for personal healing and development from the basics up through advanced Reiki knowledge integrated with meditation and other life enhancing disciplines. This book makes every attempt to explain the fundamental techniques, philosophy and practices that you need for making progress through Reiki. It combines personal experiences with detailed instructions for those who wish to pursue Reiki training.

Reiki is natural energy that is present throughout the universe. You can focus this energy for spiritual growth and healing. Reiki balances emotional and intellectual aspects of your being. It harmonizes spiritual energies with your physical self. Reiki brings all elements of your being into tune, and further, it brings your entire being into tune with the universe. It nurtures your understanding of oneness with the universe and helps you holistically perceive life in all its dimensions and manifestations.

Reiki helps you become aware of spiritual reality by directly experiencing the warmth and vibration of high energy. It opens your mental, spiritual and emotional channels to deepen spiritual perception. Reiki is supportive of spiritual growth by bringing deeper insight during meditation. It is used for healing spiritual issues, emotional blocks and physical illnesses.

Read the article: "What is the Source of Reiki?"

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