Recommend for next year

As you come across good potential titles for future Red Dot longlists, please tell us using the form below.

Criteria in choosing books:

    • Mix of genres, e.g., fiction, nonfiction, poetry, graphic format

    • Balance of boy/girl main characters

    • Balance of nationalities

    • Published (in English) within the last 4 years (i.e., 2013, 2014, 2015, or 2016)

    • The shortlists will consist of 8 books at each level

    • Preferably only #1 if in a series

  • Preferably no repeat of an author from previous years

  • Preferably books that encourage Text-Text, Text-Self, and/or Text-World connections for students (i.e., books worth talking about)

The four SHORT LISTS are announced by the Red Dot ISLN committee in early June each year.

Questions? Contact Katie Day, the chair of the Red Dot committee (