About the Readers Cup
The event consists of three separate competitions - Younger Readers, Older Readers, and Mature Readers. The Younger and Older reader categories have 6 books, while the Mature category has 4 books. The selection of books will be a subset of the Red Dot books in those categories and will be announced in January.
Each competition consists of:
4 or 6 Rounds with ten questions from each book (4 or 6 books), each answer worth 1 point
(Note: some questions are two-part, so 1/2 point is possible.) (Click here for a sample .Pre 2014 Format.)
Rounds will comprise of the following:
Short answers focusing on key plot points
Inferential/deeper meaning questions (1 for younger & older, 2 for mature)
A multiple-choice written quiz with questions about all the books, each worth 1/4 point. (Click here for a sample.) This component will be undertaken on iPads using Socrative.
Other ways to win (besides the quiz portion)
Best Book Trailer - prepared and submitted by schools ahead of time, shown in between rounds. Each trailer no more than 3 minutes long. Marked out of 10
Best Alternate Book Cover - prepared and submitted by schools ahead of time
The Book Rounds are timed. 4 minutes maximum, with 10% BONUS points if your team hands in the short-answer written quiz within 3 minutes. So if your team got 7 answers correct and handed in the sheet within 3 minutes, you would get 7.7 points for the round, and if your team got all 10 answers correct and handed in the sheet within 3 minutes, you would get 11 points.
The multiple-choice written quiz is filled in over the course of the competition -- handed in at the end of round 4 -- to be included in the final score. Each multiple choice answer is worth 1/4 point.
Younger Readers - Year 3, 4 & 5 / Grade 2, 3 & 4
Older Readers - Year 5, 6, 7 & 8 / Grade 4, 5, 6 & 7
Mature Readers - Year 8+ / Grade 7+
The competition is open to all interested schools in the region. There are three components: best book trailers, and best alternate book cover creations.
For the quizzes, each school may enter two teams in any or all divisions (and in the case of educational organizations with parallel year bands on different campuses, such as UWC and CIS, each campus is considered a "school"). It is held in May every year.
The younger & older readers' teams are made up of a maximum of 6 students, the senior team has a maximum of 4 students. The total time of the event will be approximately 2 hours, allowing for introductions, audience trivia and judging.
Judges: An attempt will be made to find impartial judges.
Everyone (i.e., parents, other students, etc.) is welcome to attend (to cheer on your teams).
Registration is $60 per team (payable to ISLN on or before the day) to cover cups, medals, prizes, participation certificates, gifts for judges, refreshments.
Are you wondering how to run a Readers Cup Competition?
Follow this link to read how others have done it or intend to do it.
Click here to read about last year's Competition - including sample questions.
Click here for some photos and videos of the last event