Material cut


An expansion of the very first scene, where Scout and Bella meet.

BELLA: What, need directions? (glances up) The way to Rawley, right? (then) Let's see. Become a Republican. Adopt rich parents. Have disdain for the locals. And of course, you've gotta be generally apathetic.

Scene continues as aired, from Bella telling Scout to head straight up the hill, can't miss it, smells like money, until Scout leaves.

GRACE ENTERS FRAME. Bella's little sister. She's fourteen. Going on forty. She stands next to Bella, both of them looking off at Scout.

GRACE: (after Scout) Cute

BELLA: (above it all) If you like that sort of thing, then I suppose that's the sort of thing you like.


Dialogue excluded from the boys and girls playing in their underwear in the lake

SCOUT: Rawley women. The crème de la crème.

Will laughs. Likes the sound of that

WILL: (repeating him) "The crème de la crème"

SCOUT: But this morning. On the way here. I saw this girl. In town. So unbelievably beautiful. Blew. My. Mind. I think I'm gonna like this place.

Then the seniors come and kidnap the guys.


Scene between Kate and Finn excluded in the final airing


As STUDENTS EXIT a classroom

FINN. A teacher. Thirty. Handsome. Maybe even dashing. Appears in the doorwaylooks into the room at

KATE FLEMING. An art teacher. Mid-thirties. Very attractive. Hamilton's mother. And the Dean's wife.


She almost jumps out of her skin. He ENTERS. MOVES toward her.

KATE: (shocked) Finn! You scared the hell out of me. (collecting herself) God, I didn't realize you'd be back for summer session.

As the STUDENTS file out

FINN: (quietly) I missed you.

KATE: (evasive) How was Cuba?

FINN: Magnifico. How's the Dean?

KATE: Still on sabbatical.

As the last students EXIT. The door closes behind them.

FINN: So. Can I see you tonight?

KATE: I can't, Finn.

FINN: Why not?

In one swift move, Finn PRESSES her against the blackboard.

FINN (cont'd): Feeling guilty?

Yes. Very. So she's doing her best to act distant. But it's not working.

KATE: What happened the night before you left was wrong, Finn.

She goes for the door. He BLOCKS her

FINN: The night before I left?! What about the entire semester?

KATE: We had sex. Once.

FINN: We had a relationship the whole year. We only consummated it once.

She LOOKS at him. Straight.

KATE: I have a husband

FINN: You had a husband three months ago

KATE: Things have changed

FINN: Oh. You guys fall back in love?

A BEAT. She studies his face. Their eyes lock. He puts his hands around her waist. And just as we think she will succumb,

KATE: Finn, please

She GRABS the door. Opens it as Hamilton CROSSES outside in the HALLWAY

HAMILTON: Hi, mom.

KATE: (shaken) Hi, munchie.

And as Kate turns he back we just happen to notice TWO CHALK HANDPRINTS, square on her ass. She takes off, out of the doorway and down the hall out of view.

RESUME FINN as he SEES it too. He can't help the ironic grin on his face.


Expansion of the scene right before crew practice begins.

FINN: (turns back to them, still standing in the water) What? Get used to throwing convention out the window, it's gonna be the greatest summer of your lives (beat) You won't play sports, you'll compete like Olympians. And you will transform. From faces in the crowd, to men of the world.

Finn turns away from them. Continues walking directly into the water.

FINN: (still facing away) And Johnson, men of the world tend NOT to pick their noses.

JOHNSON, a boy among them, pulls his finger out of his nose.

FINN (cont'd): Well? Is someone gonna grab a shell?


The Marcus Scenes- from the original script of the pilot, contributed by Dorian_Gray

"Marcus" was an African American character that they never developed although I suspect that Floyd R. Myers Jr's character from "Kiss ands Tell" may have been "Marcus"


We are moving down the dorm hallway, crowded with boys. A group of them batting a sock back and forth with Lacrosse sticks. From each open room we pass -- a cacophony of music, laughing, playing fighting.

A tall, lanky arrogant boy, Ryder Forrest, moves down the hallway. He looks like "The schoolyard bully" because he is. He stops in front of a dorm room. Looks inside at -

Marcus. Fifteen. Handsome. Afican American. Wry and sardonic. He's sitting on a bed unpacking a stereo and boxes of the most awesome vintage vinyl record collection you've ever seen.

Ryder: Yo, clown. Trash the retro crap -- I won't ask again.

Marcus: (indicating a Partridge Family album) Interestingly all of the Partridge Family records are lables with the caption "Starring Shirly Jones, and featuring David Cassidy".

Marcus drops the needle onto the vintage Partridge Family record "Come on Get Happy" which echoes through the dorm. The Students consequently groan and moan throughout.

Marcus smiles, reveling in his role of ironic torturer.

Ryder stands there fuming as the Partridge Family blares all around him. He turns and looks into a room across the hall where-

Jake Pratt unpacks his bags in a small single room.

Ryder:  (to Jake) Get your stuff outta' there. I'm snaking the single room. You got five minutes.

Jake looks up

Ryder: You heard me. OUT. If you don't like it take it up with the Dean. My Father's spent buttloads of of money on this school.

Jake moves to the door, swiftly places his hand over Ryder's face and shoves him into the hallway, sending Ryder falling back against the wall.

Jake: Join civilization and act like a human being.

Jake kicks his door closed.

Marcus and Hamilton are playing chess.  The kiss between Jake and Ham had taken place. The fact that "I'm a Believer" is playing very loud is important to all the events that unfold.

Marcus: Hmm, I think I'll...castle my king.

Hamilton: Certain death.

Jake appears next to them

Jake: Hi...

Marcus: Hey Jake. What's up'?

Hamilton moves a chess piece, ignoring Jake.

Hamilton: Check.

Jake: Um, thought maybe I could play the winner?

Hamilton knocks over his king

Hamilton: I forfeit,

Marcus: (to Jake) Okay. Well. Um, I guess it's you and me.

Jake stands there. It's awkward. She looks at Hamilton, Then

Jake: Um. No. It's okay. Forget it.

Jake turns on her heels and leaves. Marcus eyeballs Hamilton for a moment. Then-

Marcus: Thought you guys were friends.

Hamilton is quiet, then -

Hamilton: Don't you think there is something weird about Jake?

Marcus: Yeah. Life.

Hamilton: What's that supposed to mean?

Marcus: You're soaking in it-- Life is weird. Everybody's weird. There's something weird about everybody.

Hamilton: Yeah but that's not what I mean.

Marcus: Look, it's none of my business, blow him off if you want. I just thought you guys were friends.

Hamilton thinks for a beat. Gets up-

Hamilton: Okay. I'm outta' here. I'll see ya.

As Hamilton exits-- Ryder blast into the room. (Bear in mind that Ryder hates retro music and that Marcus knows it...) We still hear the same retro 70s tune in the b.g.

Ryder: You locked your stereo in the safe?!


Scout, Will Marcus, Ryder and Hamilton are at their lockers getting mid conversation

HAMILTON: ...Wait. HOW much allowance do you get?

MARCUS: Hundred bucks a week.

HAMILTON: No way! Your parents give you a hundred a week??!

MARCUS: My parents are dead. My guadian handles the monetary transactions.

Will TURNS from his locker.

WILL: I wouldn't mind a situation like that.

MARCUS: What, dead parents or a ATM card?

RYDER: Both.

Marcus stares at Ryder evenly, then closes his locker.

SCOUT: Hey, I'm gonna grab some Mickey D's anybody wanna' go?

Everyone except Will: I'm in Yeah.

Scout looks at Will

WILL: Nah. I'm cool.

Scout searches his face. slaps him on the back. Scout and the boys file out.


Marcus: 5, 4, 3, 2, -

Then - Ryder RAGES into the room. His pant legs are soaking wet.

Ryder: Who put a cherry bomb down the can?!


"Our Town"

A variation of the introductory scene:

WIL V.O.: Almost everyone at Rawley Academy had to leave home to be here… except of course.  Me.

Shot pans across the campus, finding Will on his bike, pedaling at lightening speed.  He turns down the long driveway, through the gates of the academy, and out onto the road.

WILL V.O.: Scout tells me how lucky I am, that I get to have my old life in town right down the road-- and my new one at school so close by…

Will speeds through town, across the town square.

WILL V.O.: Maybe he’s right.  Maybe I am lucky… but at the moment, I’m just… late.

Segues into Will riding up to the baseball field.


Comes after Scout and Will’s conversation with the “It’s so… Jerry Springer” line:

WILL: (yawning). Hey.  I’d better get to work.,,

SCOUT: Or back to bed…

WILL: Yeh, I know.  I was studying all night.  After baseball.  And then got up for crew…

SCOUT: Burn that candle, bro.

WILL: Hey, I have no choice.  You’re lucky.  At least you don’t have to work.

He looks at his friend, slaps Scout on the back.  As several teenage townie boys, Sean among them, cross the square, Will turns his face away from the townies.  It doesn’t go unnoticed by Scout.  He sees the unease in Will’s expression.

WILL: See ya later?

Scout nods, watches him cross the square and enter the diner.  As Scout notices the help wanted sign in the window…

Scene continues as aired.


Continuation of the scene where Sean catches Will at the lake:

SEAN: Go.  Wouldn’t want you to screw up your commitment.

After a beat, Will turns and jogs back to the shells.  He’s visibly upset as he joins Scout, trying to manage the oars by himself-- Will looks back over his shoulder at his friend Sean, receding in the distance.

SCOUT: Thought I was gonna hafta hoof this thing back alone.

WILL: I was gone for like two seconds--

SCOUT: Dude, I was kidding.

WILL: Well, I don’t need everything commenting on everything I do…

Scout looks at Will-- Was it something I said? But he brushes it off.  They go off, hoofing the oars back to the boathouse.


Short bit of dialogue from the scene where Jake and Hamilton are rescuing her bike:

HAMILTON: When Felicity comes on.  He never misses it.  He even cries sometimes.  (off her look) I swear.

JAKE: How geeky. (beat) ‘Cept for that episode when her friend got hit by the bus…

HAMILTON: I know.  That was a harsh toke.

Jake looks at him, smiles.  He looks away as the TV is turned on.


One missing line from the scene where Will and Scout are fighting:

WILL: Hey!  He’s been my buddy since we were eight years old.

SCOUT: (whips around) Well maybe you need some new friends!

WILL: Well maybe you need someone to finish what Sean started.

Will gets in Scout’s face.  It’s suddenly heated.  They’re almost nose-to-nose.

SCOUT: Come any closer, Will, and you’re gonna have to punch me.

Will is on the verge of changing everything.  His anger boils, about to erupt.  Scout stands his ground.  Then, coming to his senses, Will steps back and Scout storms off out of the room.



(not really cut scenes, but interesting changes from the aired version)

An expansion of the gas station scene between Bella and Paige, originally place before they met at the lake.


As 2 spoiled looking rich kids tear out, showing off. Bella watches them go.

BELLA: (under her breath) Come back again.  Not.

Bella wipes her hands on a towel, as we HEAR

GEARS GRINDING.  Bella turns to SEE

A CLASSIC MERCEDES CONVERTIBLE CIRCA 1960.  White.  Top down.  Limping into the station.  Bella raises a brow.  Nice car.  As she APPROACHES

A BEAUTIFUL, SOPHISTICATED, WEALTHY-LOOKING GIRL sitting behind the wheel.  She looks to be about Bella's age.  Bella just sighs.

BELLA (cont'd): Oh great.  Another one.

The driver, PAIGE BENNET, gets out of the car.  Smiles at Bella.

PAIGE: I don't know what happened.  The clutch pedal just went straight to the floor.

Bella can't help but quietly roll her eyes.

BELLA: Sounds like your cable shaped.

ANOTHER ANGLE  LOOKING OUT FROM UNDER THE CAR  As Bella slides under.  Starts poking around, looking for the loose cable.  We are surprised to see PAIGE ENTER the FRAME, down on all fours, peering under the car.

PAIGE: Do you see it?

Bella is startled that Paige is actually down on the ground with her.

BELLA: Yeh, it looks like it just came unhooked.  (then)  You know, you're gonna get your pants dirty.

PAIGE: That's okay.  I should know how to do this.

Bella takes the cable and snaps it back onto the clutch.

BELLA: This little hook just attaches to this.  (then, sliding out)  You're good to go, for now.  But the hook is definitely tweaked and I'd get it replaced.

PAIGE: Thank you.  You saved my life.  Well, practically.

Paige offers her a hand up.  This girl is definitely different than Bella thought she'd be.

BELLA: (accepting the hand up)  Thanks.

CLOSE ON THE TWO HANDS  Bella's grease-stained, non-manicured hand and Paige's perfectly French manicured paw.

ANOTHER ANGLE  As both girls are back on their feet.  Bella can't help but admire Paige's nails, a little wistful.

BELLA: I love French manicures.

Bella, suddenly a little self-conscious, puts her hands in her pockets.  This does not go unnoticed by Paige.

PAIGE: Any idiot can have a French manicure.  Bet you could assemble the engine to a 747.  (then) How much do I owe you?

BELLA: It's on the house.  Just keep coming back.  We can use the business.

Paige smiles, accepting the gesture.

PAIGE: Thank you.  (holds out her hand)  I'm Paige, by way.  You are?

BELLA: (accepting the handshake) Bella.

PAIGE: (climbing into her car) You've got a deal, Bella.

Paige drives off.  Bella takes a beat to react as GRACE pulls up on her bike, straight from the lake, to take over for Bella at the station.  Bella takes her GLOVES from her pocket and hands them to Grace.

GRACE: Going to the lake?

BELLA: I thought I might

GRACE: Oh my God. Quite a collection of Rawley studs today.

BELLA: Whatever.

GRACE: (teasing, walking past) You're boyfriend's there


An alternative phone call between Jake and Consuela



JAKE: (off screen): Hi Consuela, it's Jake... Jacqueline. Is mom there?

...ARRIVING ON JAKE'S FACE. Disappointment seeping in.

JAKE (cont'd): They left again...? Borneo?

She sighs, the seeing the clock, realizes she has to hurry and dress. We see her turn into a guy before our eyes as she speaks on the phone, getting into her standard "boy" uniform.

JAKE (cont'd): Yeah, I'm glad the grant came through... Oh, I'm sure they meant to call and tell me. They probably just got caught up in some genetic mutation of some obscure ape. It happens... Sure, Consuela. (smiles, then) I miss you too. Bye.

Jake hangs up, now fully dressed as a guy. she picks up a PHOTO of her MOM AND DAD, two academic types in a jungle setting, surrounded by apes. Jake just stares at it, then...

JAKE (cont'd): (somewhat dryly) If only I were a chimp.


An expansion of the french manicure scene


CLOSE ON BELLA'S HANDS  As another FEMALE HAND carefully applies the white tips of  a French manicure.

PAIGE (O.S.): This is the only tricky part.  You just want to get this white-white across the very tip like a half moon.

PAN UP TO FIND BELLA AND PAIGE.  Sitting at Paige's desk.  Paige is showing her how to do the manicure.

BELLA: You have a steady hand.

PAIGE: Runs in the family.  My dad's a brain surgeon.  (hands Bella the brush)  You try it.

BELLA: (laughs) Your dad's a brain surgeon?  That's surreal.  (then) In my neighborhood you don't run into people whose dads are brain surgeons.  The people I know, their dads fix cars work in factories wash dogs...

They both laugh, Bella continues the careful painting of the white tips, as

BELLA (cont'd): (continuing) that sort of thing.

PAIGE: (shrugging)  You know Scout.  His dad's a senator.  (then) Do you know Scout's dad?

Bella is experiencing what can only be described as wistful irony.  After a beat

BELLA: No.  I don't know him.

PAIGE: He's really nice.  Our families used to spend summer vacations together.  Penobscot Bay up in Mains.  (then) Can you keep a secret?

BELLA: (a bit dryly) Oh, can I.

PAIGE: I have been in love with Scout Calhoun since I waqs five years old. I have Dr. Seuss books with "Paige Calhoun" scribbled all over the inside.  And now, I want him to be my first.  That's a huge reason why I picked Rawley.

Bella is trying to keep a natural look on her face.  This is hard to hear.

BELLA: Haven't you learned anything from "Felicity?"

PAIGE: (laughing) Really.  I started thinking I made a mega-mistake until he asked me out last night.

Bella's hand slips, the white nail polish slides all over her fingernail.

PAIGE: (O.S.) We're going to the drive in tonight.

BELLA: (this is harder than she thought.) That's great. (remembering; not thrilled) Sean and I are going to the drive-in tonight too.

PAIGE: Cool.  Maybe we'll see you there.

As Bella tries to smile a natural smile



Expansion of the last Will and Finn scene


Will is sitting on the edge of the dock.  LOOKING out at the TOWNIE DOCK on the other side of the lake.  He looks up as...

Finn APPEARS.  He MOVES down the dock towards Will.  A beat, then, hje removes the video camera from a mailbag across his shoulder.

FINN: Do you have any idea how the hell to get this tape out of here?

A Beat.  Will keeps his defenses up.

WILL: (not buying) I can try.

Will keeps his eyes on the camera as he screws around with it.

FINN: (re: camera) I did this for Kate.

Will gives nothing, then...

WILL: I kow.  With me, it was more for you...

Silence, then...

FINN: I encourage my students to live passionate lives.  Sometimes, that can be rewarding.  And sometimes just plain selfish.  (then) What you saw the othere morning was entirely my fault.  Kate is a wonderful woman and a devoted mother and teacher, and please don't think any less of her.  Not only did I letit happen, I cause it to happen.  And I'm sorry about that.  (then) What you did for me-- to take that on yourself-- that was... something.  You're a very big person, Will.  Bigger than me.  I'm sorry for what I put you through.

A long beat.  Then...

WILL: You may be the first adult who's ever said that to me.

The tape POPS out.  Will hands it, and the camera, to Finn.  An awkward silence.  Finn, feeling that Will's still angry, starts off...

FINN: Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that.

WILL: Finn??

Finn TURNS.  Will looks at him, utterly vulnerable.  He STANDS up.  Faces him.

WILL (cont'd): Thank you.  I thought I was outta' here.

And overwhelmed with feeling, Will impulsively HUGS Finn.  Quickyl and tightly, like a five year old hugging their parent after they've been scolded.  It's primal.  And Finn is caught off-guard, stripped of the boundaies of teacher and podium.  He awkwardly hugs Will back, feeling for the first time in his life mroe like a father than a teacher.  After a beat, Will steps away.  Then...

FINN: Unpack your bags.  yo're not going anywhere, kid.

And he's gone.  STAY ON WILL, holding back tears.



An encounter between Grace and Bella


As Bella, covered in grease, hurries into the gas station carrying a paper bag, looking more bedraggled than ever.  Grace is sitting on a stool drinking a Big Gulp.

GRACE: (off Bella) Cute. I read that filth is the new black,

BELLA: Nice of you to-- stop by. This was your shift.

Bella pulls a plunger out of the paper bag

GRACE: Oh. Shopping? (off her look) Fine. Tomorrow I'll work alone and we'll call it even. Okay?

BELLA: Yeh, and as soon as it gets busy you'll throw up the closed sign.

GRACE: Whatever

Grace saunters off inside, leaving Bella, plunger in tow.


An expansion of Will and Scout talking about Caroline.

Will lies on the field of grass, daydreaming. Scout's beside him, an open book in his lap.

WILL: Caroline. Caroline Busse.

SCOUT: (looks up) what?

Will rolls over. Looks at him.

WILL: (with irony) Think Caroline would be into the all-you-can-eat clambake down at the wharf?

Scout raises an eyebrow.

SCOUT: Unlimited shellfish at a low price?

WILL: Right. Doubtful. (then) So, how rich is she?

Scene continues as aired.


An expansion of the scene where Will is trying on Finn's tuxedo.

WILL: Do you think I'll ever actually own one of these things?

Finn can read between the lines

FINN: Yeh, I do.

Will fishes out a ticket from the pocket.

WILL: (holds it up) What's this?

FINN:Reason I bought the tux. I was nineteen and won a Junior Quill award for a short story in college. Kept it in there for good luck. (extends his hand) I'll take it

Will's impresses, doesn't hand it over.

WILL: Mind if I hang onto it? I could use some luck.

Finn smiles. Touched.


An expansion of the scene when Will and Scout are getting ready.

WILL: She is gonna want me. Bad.

SCOUT: That's my sister you're talking about.

WILL: I mean Caroline.

They share a laugh. Scout takes his corsage from the bed.

WILL (cont'd): Oh my God. (off corsage) A corsage. Bella's gonna need one.

SCOUT: You know what? Take this.

Because this is the closest Scout will ever get to taking Bella to a dance.

WILL: No, Scout, I can just

SCOUT: (insisting) Really. I can get another.


A slightly different variation of Mrs. Krudski and Bella's scene in the attic

BELLA: (off earrings) They're beautiful.

They're both looking at Bella in the mirror now. Susan holds Bella's hair back.

MRS KRUDSKI: Maybe your hair up. With some lips. Berry red.

As we dissolve to a series of shots between the two women fixing hair and make-up. Finally

On Bella. In the Mirror. Gazing at her own reflection. Stunning. She looks into the mirror at Susan watching her. Then she reads her thoughts.

BELLA: I look like my mom, huh?

SUSAN: Yeh. You do.

A knock off screen. As they turn to see...

Will. Standing in the doorway in his white dinner jacket. Looking like Prince Charming..


Dialogue between Paige and Scout from the beginning of the Cotillion

PAIGE: Just so you know. A lot of these guys are gonna want to dance with me.

SCOUT: Oh, are they?

PAIGE: Mmm-hmm. It's traditionI really should dance with any boy who asks. It's only fair.

SCOUT: I don't know if I like the sound of that.

Paige considers that.

PAIGE: Y'know what? me either. Screw tradition.




Expansion of the scene between Will and Bella in the diner

WILL: God know's I'm no expert on dad's... But that's what you have, Bella.  A little piece of possibility.

He looks at her, searching for a trace of impact.  If his words made sense out of everything for her.

BELLA: I was eight years old when I heard my mom tell my dad that... he wasn't my dad.  And then she left. And it was... so strange.  I didn't understand who he was.  Or who I was supposed to be.  But we pretended that we were okay-- it's taken a long time to actually be okay.  To get this picture out of my head of what a family is supposed to be.

WILL: I'm not sure a family's supposed to be anything... except together.  And happy.  You know.  Meeting Senator Calhoun-- wouldn't take anything away from what you have.  With Charlie.

Scene continues as aired.


Expansion of the scene where Jake tries on her pink dress

INT. JAKE'S DORM ROOM DAY (continuation of scene)

HAMILTON: Yeh. Sweet story. Come here.

She laughs. Goes to him. He wraps his arms around her. Kisses her.

HAMILTON (cont'd): So. You packed cargo pants. T-shirts. And a string a pearls?

JAKE: And lots of sexy lingerie.

As his eyes light up.


Expansion of the scene where we first meet Jake's mom

HAMILTON: Welcome. I'm Hamilton Fleming. My father, the dean, asked me to personally take you and Jake

JAKE: --queline

HAMILTON: Jacqueline.  oh

He smiles. Realizing this is her real name.

HAMILTON (cont'd):  you and Jacqueline on a tour of the grounds.

MONICA: (impressed) Well, that sounds great. (flirting) Tell me, what do you teach?

HAMILTON: Actually, I'm a student.

MONICA: Well, then. Maybe I can teach you something.

JAKE: Mom?!

MONICA: Oh, please. I'm just kidding.

Loops her arm through Hamilton's arm

MONICA: (cont'd): (to Jake) But first, direct me to the ladies room. I need some lips. And eyes.

Jake FREEZES, not having a clue. So, Hamilton POINTS


Alternative to the scene when Jake and Hamilton realize the conflict between the luncheon and the regatta


Monica, Jake and Hamilton APPROACH the Jaguar. Monica has her arm laced through Hamilton's. Jake's not amused.

MONICA:-- and then I'm off-Broadway, directing myself in a one-woman production of "Twelve Angry Men.

JAKE: (to Hamilton) Don't ask. Anyway, Hamilton, thank you. For everything.

HAMILTON: No problem. It was really great to meet you, Ms.. (corrects himself) Monica.

As Monica climbs into the Jaguar

MONICA: Nice meeting you. And Hamilton? Don't forget, if you E-MAIL me some of your photos, I can get them to Peter Beard when I see him in New York. It's great that you have an artistic outlet that you're passionate about. And good at. I always tell Jacqueline that. But

JAKE: Easy for you to say. You master everything you do. (to Hamilton) She's played Helen of Troy in seven different languages.

MONICA: (modestly) Ironically, Greek isn't one of them.

Scene continues as aired.


Unshown non-dialogue scene


On their way back to Rawley Girls. Hamilton , still in his crew attire, POWER THE SKI BOAT as JAKE CHANGES BACK INTO HER DRESS AND



Expansion of Finn's inspiration speech before the final race


The crew team huddles around Finn, as he talks to them...

FINN: Mr. Krudski-- What did you have for breakfast last Tuesday?

WIll searches--

WILL: Last Tuesday...?

The other guys chuckle...

WILL (cont'd): I don't remember.

FINN: Mr. Calhoun-- Who was the fifteenth president of the United States?

SCOUT: (confident) Franklin Pierce.

FINN: Wrong. James Buchanan.  Gentlemen, you will forget many things in your lifetime, but today-- you will remember forever.

Hamilton and Jake run up to the group- they're late.

FINN: Nice of you to join us boys.

Hamilton looks at Jake, relieved.  Then, notices she's still wearing her lipstick.  Hamilton reaches over, wiping Jake's lipstick off.  Will notices and raises and eyebrow.

FINN (cont'd): Lotsa' guys have competed for the Junior Division crew in the first regatta.  They all lost. And not one of 'em, as they stood on this very bank, ever thought winning was not a possibility.  Now we can't change history--but don't let the past stop you from embracing what you want today.

We see Will's expression, this resonates far deeper than just the Regatta.

FINN (cont'd): So, I ask only one thing of you.  As your coach, as your teacher, and as your friend-- that when you race in this afternoon's regatta-- you WIN!

The boys errupt with pumped "Yeahs" and "Right ons"

FINN (cont'd): OK men, get your boats.


Unshown, non-dialogue scene

CLOSE ON THE RAWLEY BOAT- where the Rawley crew team THROWS THEIR ARMS INTO THE AIRvictorious. And as tradition goes, they TOSS JAKE INTO THE LAKE.


Expansion of the goodbye scene between Jake and her mom.

EXT. RAWLEY GIRLS- DAY- (continuation)

MONICA: That dress. It's pretty on you. Didn't you have one like that when you were little?

And Jake suddenly regresses back to when she was six-years old, as that little girl wanting her mother to see her in that beautiful dress

JAKE: Yeh I did.

Jake's eyes gloss overIts' the moment she had waited for. Until

Monica's PHONE RINGS. She answers it. And Jake deflates.

MONICA: (into cell phone) Hello? YehCan you hold on?

And Jake's hit with the reality that nothing has changed since she was a child

MONICA (cont'd): (to Jake) Sorry, honey. My agent. Gimme a minute, huh?

JAKE: Um. No, mom. Go ahead. I'll talk to you soon.

Monica hugs her daughter. Tight.

MONICA: you know, if you ever do decide you need meI'm just a phone call away.

JAKE: And thank God for voice mail

Monica laughs. Jake nods. And Monica jumps back into her jaguar and starts off with the cell attached to her ear.


Scene to have taken place after Jake's mom left


Jake and Hamilton sit on the floor, against her bed. She's back in her boy drag. A gym bag sits beside her.

JAKE: Well, she definitely gets that she doesn't really know me.

HAMLITON: Yeh. Well. How could she?

JAKE: What?!

HAMILTON: Well, I mean. There wasn't a moment you were honest with her.

JAKE: How could I be-- with how she is?

HAMILTON: How exactly is she? Is she mean to you?


HAMILTON: Then what is it? Does she drink too much?


HAMILTON: Evil boyfriends?


HAMILTON: Mental problems?

JAKE: Noooooo.

HAMILTON: Well then... What's the problem?

As it downs on pans Jake...

JAKE: She ignores me. (then) Always has. I was never as interesting as her work-- or her friends-- or her.

HAMILTON: But you're her daughter. That's...

JAKE: Not enough. My whole life I'd watch her reinvent herself. Take on new roles. Become somebody different. So that's what I'd do. I always just felt like -- motherhood was just another role she grew tired of.

HAMILTON: You know what? She knows you better than you think.

He MOVES close to her. Puts his arm around her.

HAMILTON (cont'd): I mean, she knew you were hot for me.

This makes Jake smile.

JAKE (joking): Like I said. She doesn't know me.

They laugh.

HAMILTON: Hey. Put the heels back on. I'd like to make out with you once without questioning my sexuality.

Jake smiles. GRABS Hamilton. And pushes him on the bed. JUMPS ON TOP as they start making out...


An alternative cut scene to the Jake/Hamilton one above.


Jake and Hamilton sit next to each other on the floor leaning against his bed. Jake is still in her dress. A gym bag sits beside her.

JAKE: It's so ironic. I finally get my mom's attention, and I couldn't even

give her all of mine.

HAMILTON: Falls under the category of, be careful what you wish for.

JAKE: My mom doesn't even know me.

HAMILTON: Sure she does.

Jake's bummed out. Hamilton can see that.

HAMILTON (cont'd): I mean-- she could see you're hot for me.

This makes her smile.

JAKE (joking back): Like I said. She doesn't know me.

HAMILTON: Well, I know you. And I think you're pretty amazing.

She thinks he's pretty amazing, too. She kisses him sweetly.

JAKE: I better get changed before your parents get home.

HAMILTON: We've got a few more minutes. You think we could make out a little bit before you have to put the boy clothes back on?

(There is alternative line her as well, but I don't have it directly. It says something like...

"Put the heels back on. Just once I'd like to make out with you without having to

question my sexuality."

Then she throws him back on the bed and climbs on top of him)


A scene between Will and his Dad


Will ENTERS and finds his father laying on the couch watching a baseball game. There's an awkward pause as his father ignores him. Then, searching for something to say--

WILL: Listen, what I said. Yesterday. I um...

Will looks for something... ANY response from his dad. But it doesn't come.

WILL: Doesn't this whole thing get frustrating to you?

MR. KRUDSKI: No. I guess I'd have to care for it to be frustrating.

That hurt. Will's first instinct is to walk out of the room. But on second thought, he fights the urge with everything he has and tries to actually say something.

WILL: God. Why do you hate me so much--

He explodes--

MR. KRUDSKI: *!%#damn you! I don't hate anyone! Who the he!l are you talking to??!!

His father gets up-- MOVES toward him. Will holds his ground.

WILL: Yesterday I found myself talking to you in that same way you've talked to me for so long. And I don't wanna become that--

MR KRUDSKI: Get outta' my house, 'fore I throw you out--

WILL: --and I try to understand why you don't like me and all I can think is that you don't like yourself-- and that's why I said what I said. I don't think I'm better than you, dad--

MR KRUDSKI: Get out--

Will's dad steps closer. Again, Will holds his ground.

WILL: I just think I'm better than this...


Scene between Bella and Sean when Bella returns from the lake after not meeting the Senator.


Bella sits at the Gas Stationl.  Staring off.  As we hear...

SEAN (off screne): All dressed up and no place to go?

She looks up.  Sean is there.

BELLA: exactly

SEAN: where you been?

BELLA: (gloomy) nowhere.

Sean looks at her and laughs.

SEAN: Nowhere?

BELLA:  (definitely) Yes.

She looks at him.  He laughs again.  So she smiles.  Because she can't help but smile when she's with him.

SEAN: Nowhere...

She laughs.

BELLA: Nowhere.  And then I guess I just fely like... coming home.

SEAN: Oh, well, here you are then.

And with that, Sean sits on the bench next to her.  And they laugh again, as they look across town square.  Home.  Together.



An expansion of the opening scene at the gas station in Gone and when Grace comes home in the morning.

Grace comes into the room. Wearing way too much makeup and way too skimpy an outfit. Primps in front of the mirror.

GRACE: (to Scout) I get lonely. You never visit me.

BELLA: Shut up, Grace. And put on some clothes.

GRACE: I like what I'm wearing.

BELLA: Me too. For the Annual Hooker Ball.

Just then, the service bell dings.

BELLA: (cont'd) I'd love to sit here and chat. But some of us actually have to work at our jobs.

She storms out. Grace vamps for Scout.

GRACE: She may have a slight point. Hand me that jacket over there, Scouty...

[ The rest of the scene is mostly the same. Grace leaves in a Range Rover full of Rawley boys.]


That same Range Rover pulls into the station. Grace gets out of the car, giggly and punch-drunk with fatigue. She blows a kiss to the boys inside.

GRACE: Later, gators.

The car drives off. Grace heads for the house. She's not happy to find Bella standing in the doorway.

BELLA: Where the hell have you been all night?

GRACE: Not now, Bella. Please? The temple that is my body requires some restage.

BELLA: You wanna get in this house?

GRACE: (seeing Bella's serious) Fine. First, we hung out in the dorms, until some uber-geeks complained about the sight of an actual female in their all-boys, all-the-time world. Then we went to Burger Heaven, then we went to Joe's, then we went--

BELLA: -- Joe's? You went gambling at Joe's? Grace, what're you thinking? If Dad found out, he'd kill you.

GRACE: It's not like it was my money we were gambling with. We call those Rawley boys rich snobs for a reason.

She tries to go inside, but Bella blocks her.

BELLA: Just tell me. Where's my jacket?

GRACE: Oh, crap. I think I left it in one of the dorm rooms.

BELLA: Who's room? [sic]

GRACE: I don't know.

BELLA: Think.

GRACE: Alright. I think maybe it was in this one guy's Total sexmaniac. He had this poster of Jennifer Lopez over his bed. I swear, her butt is so big, it'd practically 3D.

BELLA: (frustrated with the rambling) Grace. You've got to get the jacket back.

GRACE: I will, Bell. Just not now.

BELLA: Now, Grace. I mean it.

GRACE: Jesus, what's the big deal?

BELLA: (too hard to explain) You know what? Forget it. Just go get in bed before Dad hears you.


An alternative to the bedroom scene in Gone, where Hamilton and Jake decide to go on a date.


Icky but private. Ham and Jake can't contain themselves. Jake wraps a leg around him. Kisses his neck.

HAMILTON: You're killing me here...

JAKE: Do you want me to stop?

HAMILTON: No. Definitely no.

She kisses his chest. Starts moving downward but then we hear VOICES right outside the door. They break apart.

HAMILTON (cont'd): I need to be with you...

JAKE: I know...

HAMILTON: Alone.  My parents are going out.  We could have the place by 8:00.

JAKE: I can't wait that long.

HAMILTON: What would you like me to do?

JAKE: Cut.

HAMILTON: Cut? Whaddya mean, cut?

JAKE: As in school.  For the day. We can just take my bike and leave town, y'know? Be alone together. Go out to lunch...

HAMILTON: But I really do have a quiz...

JAKE: I can bring a dress...

HAMILTON: ...which I'm sure I can make up next week.


An expansion of the scene right after Bella, Will, and Scout hotwire the Corvette

Tires, sqeual, as we fade in. Bella, driving, hugs a corner and pulls to a stop.  Hyperventilation officially begins.

BELLA: I just stole a Corvette, I just stole a Corvette, I just stole a Corvette...

WILL: Breathe, woman

BELLA: Would you shut up, Will?  You just peer-pressured me into a felony.

WILL: I what?  You're the one who begged me to help you out of this mess.

BELLA: I did not beg you.  And you're the one who was stupid to bet the only valuable item you own--

SCOUT: Stop it!  We did not steal this car.  We're simply borrowing it until you recover the items more or less stolen from you.

Scene continues as aired.


A whole series of cut scenes from Gone, featuring Finn and Kate


Packed with a lot of teachers pissed that they're here on Saturday. Amongst them, Finn is seated at a student desk. When Kate walks in, he signals her over.

FINN: I saved you a seat...

KATE: Finn, listen. It's hard enough that we have to be here, together, all day. I really don't think we should make it any harder by sitting

FINN: (cutting her off) ...Over there.

He points to a seat across the room. Kate looks at him, sorta stung. He smiles back, sorta sly. An interruption --

MS. WOOD: (off camera) Am I late?

Finn looks up to find Ms. Wood. He smiles, happy to see her.

FINN: No. You're just in time.

She returns his smile and sits down next to him. They chat amicably. This is not lost on Kate, who watches them with a careful eye as she crosses to her seat.

A stodgy man (think Les Nessman, WKRP) enters the room. Attempts to warm it up --

MR. LOVETT: Morning, folks. My name is Mr. Lovett and I will be leading today's seminar. The answers to what I know you must be thinking are: no am not related to the crooner Lyle, and yes, I'm aware of the irony of my name, considering today's topic -- sexual harassment.

Forced laughter...


Ext. Quad - Day

Finn checks his watch. He's with Ms. Wood.

FINN: We have enough time to go out to lunch. Whatta'you say?

MS. WOOD: I say, great. Let's do it.

FINN: My car's in the lot.

As he puts his hand on her back, leading her off towards the lot, Kate sidles up beside them. Tries to act casual.

KATE: Where are you guys sneaking off to?

MS. WOOD: We were just going out to lunch.

FINN: (please leave) How 'bout you? Where're you headed?

KATE: (not a chance) I was gonna grab something in the cafeteria, but going out sounds like fun. You don't mind the extra company, do you?

MS. WOOD: Don't be silly. We'd love for you to join us.

KATE: Great.

FINN: Yeah. Great.


A continuation of the restraunt fight between Jake and Hamilton


JAKE (cont'd): And you'll drive, lead the way and pick the topics of conversation. You know, some of that seems sweet and old fashioned but a lot of it seems arcane and... not who I am.

HAMILTON: I don't think you know who you are. (gets up, all huffy) Now if you'll excuse me I have to use the bathroom.

JAKE: (gets up, equally huffy) Me too.

They both head for the restrooms.  Jake gets there first, almost walking into... THE MEN'S ROOM. An awkward beat.

HAMILTON Case in point.

Hamilton goes inside. Off Jake, mortified...

Mortified, Jake goes into the Women's Room. And the camera pans to the entrance of the restaurant, where Finn, Kate, and Ms. Wood are just coming inside. They approach the hostess.

FINN: Table for three, please.

HOSTESS: Do you have a reservation?

FINN: For two. We had an unexpected addition.

He glances at Kate. She smiles smugly back.

HOSTESS: I'm sorry. We don't have a table for three just now. You're welcome to wait. It should only be about 15 minutes.

FINN: Thanks.

The three of them take a seat in the waiting area, just as...

Hamilton comes back out of the Men's Room. He takes one step towards the exit, spots his mom. Sh*t! Jake comes out of the Women's Room -- Hamilton grabs her, yanking her into...

Int. Men's Room - Continuous

JAKE: What are you doing?!

HAMILTON: My mom. She's here.

JAKE: What?

HAMILTON: With Finn and Ms. Wood.

JAKE: Oh my God. If they catch me --

HAMILTON: -- They won't. After everything that's happened, I am not about to let you get kicked out now.

They suddenly realize -- they're still holding hands. Hamilton squeezes hers gently.

HAMLITON: (cont'd) We'll just have to wait here until they leave.

JAKE: (considering, then) What if Finn has to go to the bathroom?

As Ham contemplates this possibility, cut back to:

Finn, making the possibility a reality...

FINN: I'm gonna use the little boy's room. You two keep each other company...

He gets up. Gives Kate a look that's hard to decipher. As she watches him walk off...

MS. WOOD: Do you ever look at someone and wonder --

KATE: --What they're thinking?

MS. WOOD: What they're like in bed.

Kate laughs nervously, surprised by her candor.

KATE: What?

MS. WOOD: Just between us girls. Haven't you ever wondered? I mean, about Finn.

KATE: No, I... no, I guess I haven't.

MS. WOOD: I know you're married, but I'm talking theoretically here. I mean, look at him.

ON FINN -- as he heads toward the restroom.

MS. WOOD: (cont'd) Tell me how you can look at that body of his and not feel an incredible, profound, indecent sense of... wonder.

OFF Kate, fighting not to wonder... Cut to:

Int. Men's Room - Day

Finn enters. It's empty. He goes to use the first stall. It's locked. He looks down -- a pair of men's shoes.

FINN: Sorry.

He uses the next stall. As he goes about his business, we see inside the first stall to find...

Hamilton sitting on the toilet. It was his feet Finn saw. What he didn't see was Jake, sitting on Ham's lap, her feet hidden from view.

OFF them, somewhere between laughter and fear, we... Cut to: (Corvette of cliché)



Ms. Wood and a man are at the front of the class, finishing an improvised scene. It's very stiff and poorly acted.

MAN: What do you think of that e-mail I sent you? Girl on girl action. It doesn't get hotter than that, does it?

MS. WOOD: Actually, that e-mail made me pretty darn uncomfortable.

MAN: Okay. I'm sorry if I offended you. It won't happen again.

The class applauds. The man and Ms. Wood bow, go back to their seats. Mr. Lovett comes forward.

MR. LOVETT: Now, I'd like to explore another possibilty -- teacher/student harassment. Let's get two of you up here to improvise a scenario not often considered. Female teacher, male student.

He points to two people. Finn and Kate. They go to the front, eyeing each other warily.

MR. LOVETT: (cont'd) Okay. Class is letting out. You call him up to talk. Go.

KATE: Uh, Finn. Can you come here please?

FINN: Yes, Mrs. Fleming?

KATE: I've been meaning to ask you a favor. See, I've got this problem, with my, uh, sink, at my house. And I was thinking, I could really use a man. To help me. Do you think you could come by later? With a wrench.

FINN: Gee, Mrs. Fleming, I grew up with servants, so I don't even know what a wrench is.

Laughter. Kate turns it up a notch. Sits atop the desk.

KATE: Now that I think about it, I have a wrench. I just don't want to go under that sink and get all wet. If you help me, maybe I can give you extra credit.

FINN: I'd like that, but I'm really not much of a handy-man. I'm not sure I'd know how to make your... faucets... flow smoothly.

Kate wraps her legs around him. Pulls him close. Until their lips are practically touching.

KATE: All you have to do is get the wrench in there and move it around... and around...

Their eyes lock. Finn tries to read her -- he's clearly confused, and nervous. Is she acting here, or what? Their gaze is broken by the --

Class -- erupting in laughter. Except for Ms. Wood, who doesn't find it so funny.

FINN: I wish I could help you, Mrs. Fleming. But you know, I'm only fourteen.

KATE: Fourteen-shmourteen. What's 20 years amongst friends?

FINN: You're 34? Wow. Who knew you were so old. You're practically dead.

More laughter. OFF Finn and Kate, smiling at how natural and easy they can be together...



Kate's just been by her office, gathering some things. Finn approaches her as she locks up. They walk, side by side.

FINN: Still here?

KATE: Just heading home.

FINN: You wanna talk, Kate?

KATE: About what?

FINN: About what went on in that seminar.

Kate stops. Looks at him, then away.

KATE: I'm sorry if you think I was too forward. I tend to get a little over-zealous in my teaching methods.

FINN: This has nothing to do with your methods and you know it. It's about Nina.

KATE: Nina? (pause, realizes) Ms. Wood? She's Nina now?

FINN: My friendship with her drives you crazy.

KATE: That's absurd. I'm not one of your fifteen-year-old students, Finn.

FINN: Then stop acting like one. (pause) I'm not over you, Kate. If that's what you're worried about. And I wish I could say I was flattered by the fact that you still obviously care how I feel about you. But the truth is, it's all so painful, I just want it to be over with.

KATE: Me too.

FINN: Then let it go. Please.

He exits. OFF Kate, still hearing his words...


Interesting tidbit: In the shooting scripts, Jake's infamous "cute coat" line at the end of the episode is really "cool shoes."



Amusing exchange between Scout and Sean from the opening scene

BELLA: Would it kill you two to say hello?

SEAN: (begrudgingly) Hey...

SCOUT: (begrudgingly) Hi...

As Bella opens her card.

SEAN: (to Scout) Smells like you need to change the grease trap on that french fry machine.

SCOUT: Who's got the time with the way you order those things?

BELLA: (off card) Oh My God.

The guys turn their attention to her, and the scene continues as aired.


Expansion of the scene between Bella and Jake

BELLA: It's complicated... But we are just friends.

JAKE: Right.  (then) You're not gonna tell anyone about me?  Right?

BELLA: Right.

Jake rips a perfume sample out of the magazine.

JAKE: Here.  Let's swear on Tommy Girl.

Bella laughs.  Jake rubs some on her wrist.  Gives it to Bella.

JAKE (cont'd) : You know, I'm....glad this happened.

BELLA: Me too.  I could use a girlfriend.  Even if she is in drag.

They laugh

BELLA (cont'd): It's like I'm always surrounded by guys.

Jake looks at her.

BELLA (cont'd) : Yeah, I guess you are too.

JAKE: (jots a number on a piece of paper) Here's my cell.  Call me when you need a fem fix.

BELLA: Thanks, I will

JAKE: Thanks.  For listening.

BELLA: See ya.

Jake hops on her bike and starts the engine.


Scene between Scout and Bella at the end of the episode


Scout lies on his bed aimlessly throwing a ball in the air.  He hears a knock on the door.

SCOUT: (calling out) Enter at your own risk.

Bella enters.  Surprised to see her, Scout quickly sits up.

BELLA: I like to live on the edge

SCOUT: Don't mind me, I was just... being an idiot.  What are you doing here? I figured you'd probably never want to see me again.

BELLA: I came here to say thank you.

SCOUT: For what?

BELLA: For giving me... a choice.  I'm not ready to look up my mother But I might be.  I mean, at some point.  If it weren't for you, I might not have that option.

SCOUT: I'm glad my underhanded, self-serving behavior could do some good.

BELLA: Don't beat yourself up... that's my job.



Some of these scenes WERE shown in the international versions, but not in the US and Canada.

The beginning of the episode, where Finn comes to tell Will about the scholarship

FINN: Mr. Calhoun.

SCOUT: So what would you be doing for the rest of the summer?

FINN: Sailing down to Costa Rica, doing a little backpacking in the jungle.

WILL: That's so Indiana Jones.

SCOUT: Am I gonna see you before I go?

FINN: Yeah, I don't set sail until tomorrow.

SCOUT: Okay good. (Scout leaves and Finn comes into the room.)

FINN: Will, you got a minute? (Finn closes the door and comes inside.)

WILL: Uh oh, what did I do now?

FINN: Exceeded expectations, impressed your teachers.

WILL: I Know, it's so unbelievable. Feels like I've gone through Boot camp for High School.

In the truck on the way to Carson, before Fernando

BELLA: You wanna know something?

WILL: Yeah, sure.

BELLA: When I was 8 years old I had the biggest crush on you.

WILL: What?

BELLA: Yeah. Every time you came over and said hello I'd blush so red that I'd have to hide my face just so you wouldn't see it.

WILL: Come on.

BELLA: I swear to God. (There's a pause while they both think about it. Bella turns serious.) And then, when my mother leftone day I was sitting on the curb outside the station and I'd been crying and was feeling sorry for myself, and then you came over and you gave me a

BELLA and WILL: Bag of red hots

BELLA: Yeah, you remember that?

WILL: Sure I do. (They smile at each other.)

More from the discussion in the car

BELLA (cont'd): I don't know if I remember what she looks like. Or what her voice sounds like. But I have to be careful 'cause You know, I want her to fix this. (then) I'm just hoping she's changed

Hamilton leans forward.

HAMILTON: Who's changed?

Jake pulls him back

JAKE: Hamilton

HAMILTON: What? Everyone else knows about it. Why can't I?

BELLA: Everyone does not know anything. Don't say that.

Hamilton, getting nowhere with the women, tries Will

HAMILTON: (regarding the girls) Will. They're freezin' me out, man. Tell me what's going on.

WILL: Hey. Nobody bothered you about your secrets.

Hamilton sits back. Looks at Jake

HAMILTON: (to Jake) Okay. So, other than running away, what's the plan?

JAKE: Hamilton. That is the plan. To get out of here.

HAMILTON: God. Okay. I don't get it---

JAKE: What don't you get? This whole thing was a mistake. Alright.

He looks at her. Hurt. Then,

JAKE (cont'd): Not you. Not us. Just everything else I seem to do. They're not gonna let me come back to Rawley next semester.

Hamilton looks at her. Realizing this is true. He puts his arm around her, and holds her tight.

A slightly different version of the scenes after the accident.

WILL: Is everybody okay?

BELLA: Oh my God-- I hit something--

She gets out of the car. Will, Jake, and Hamilton climb out.

JAKE: Something or someone--

HAMILTON: You hit someone?!

BELLA: No-- an animal

WILL: It's a deer

A deer is lying in the middle of the road


They all run towards it

BELLA (cont'd): Oh my godOh my God

Will leans down closer, feels it's neck

WILL: It's still breathing.

Bella leans down touches it gently

BELLA: Don't dieplease don't di

HAMILTON: What should we do

Jake pulls out a cell phone looks at it

JAKE: No reception. Maybe someone will drive by

HAMILTON: Let's get out of the road before we get hit.

WILL: Unlikely, we're in the middle of nowhereI haven't seen a car in an hour.

Bella is still stroking the deer

BELLA: Let's move him, We can't leave him in the road.  Hamilton, there's a blanket in the back seat of the truck.

Hamilton goes to get the blanket. Bella, Will and Jake hover around the deer.

JAKE: (looks up into the sky) It's getting dark

BELLA: Well, we can't just leave him here. He's hurt.

AT THE TRUCK Hamilton GRABS the blanket from the back seat. Looks at the truck. Notices the FRONT is smashed in. And the axle is crooked. As he TURNS he SPOTS

A CABIN. Off in the woods in the near distance.


As Hamilton JOINS them with the blanket. Gives it to Will who slides it under the deer.

HAMILTON: Bella, your car's totally wrecked

BELLA: Yeh. Thanks for the news flash.

HAMILTON: No. I mean the axle's cracked. We're not going anywhere.

BELLA: Great

HAMILTON: But, I saw a cabin a little ways back up there in the woods. Maybe they have a phone.

JAKE: or a gun

WILL: Hamilton, Help me get him onto the blanket

BELLA: Be careful.



Jake and Hamilton are lying at opposite ends of a small wooden bench covered by a blanket.  Will and Bella are in front of the fire.  Bella is resting her head on Will’s lap.

BELLA: Will?

WILL: Yeh.

BELLA: What if we lose the station?

WILL: We won’t let that happen.  We’ll figure something out.  (then) Though, I gues we can always find a cardboard box to shack up in together.

Scene continues as they hear the noises outside.


More cabin scenes:

Everyone is now strewn around the room.  Will tense to the fire.  Sean is off to the side looking out the window.  Jake is curled up on the couch.  Scout sits next to her.  Bella is sitting on the floor next to him.  Hamilton digs through his backpack and finds… A POWER BAR

HAMILTON: Paradise.

Everyone looks at him.

WILL: Plan on sharing that?

Hamilton looks at him, then much to his chagrin, begins to slice it up.  Scene continues as air with Scout saying he’s a little unclear.

Variation of the big fight:

SCOUT: (to Jake) And why did you do this?

JAKE: (sarcastic) Oh, I don’t know, Scout.  Duh.  What do you think?  Maybe to get some attention?

SCOUT: That’s really twisted.

JAKE: And what would you know about it.-- you’re family was like manufactured from the pages of Life magazine.  And hey, it’s our business, not yours.


Cut voice over, as the truck is bringing them back to New Rawley:

WILL V.O.: There were so many things that happened those two days.  The thoughts rushed through our heads, but we barely spoke.

Continued after we see Charlie rip down the sign:

WILL V.O.: There are times when your head is spinning with thoughts.  Things you want to say.  Things you’ve said.  But there just aren’t any words.  And there are moments you wish would just go on forever.  Today, as we stood in the center of town together, I still wasn’t sure of what kind of a day it was, or would turn out to be…


As Jake is leaving:

HAMILTON: Who says it’s over?

SCOUT: Ever heard of a little thing called The Citadel?

Jake laughs, turns, and leaves.

HAMILTON: Well. See ya when I see ya.

EVERYONE: Bye, Hamilton

Hamilton turns and leaves.

HAMILTON: (turning back) Got a feeling it’s gonna be sooner than we think.
