4. Antin on YA

Each of this section's nine sub-sections presents a copy of a print media article, dating mostly from the spring or summer of 2000, in which Steven Antin describes his intent in creating Young Americans (YA)

Caveat:  Antin's spring 2000 public statements that he hoped that YA would air for more than eight episodes may have been disingenuous, per comments in this site's "YA filming locations" and "Criticism" sections.


Ichabod Grubb

First posted November 2010

Last updated April 2014

I am not just here to teach you how to be a kick-ass crew team, but to edify you ... Listen very closely, gentlemen. Tell me what you hear. ... You know how many guys have sat right where you're sitting? Don't think for a minute anyone one of them wouldn't trade their seat on the New York Stock Exchange to be 15 again, to have all their dreams intact and the possibilities of the universe at their fingertips. The sound you should be hearing is opportunity. So make the most of it. Exceed expectations.

-- Finn, Young Americans, episode 1


With poetry, you can't just take things at face value. You've got to dig deeper to find the meaning ... the truth. And if you can't find it, you dig even deeper.

 -- Will Krudski, Young Americans, episode 7