CMUCam3 Project

Post date: Feb 26, 2010 8:34:3 PM

Hey guys,

This blog is going to be updated as I work with the CMUcam.

Working with the CMUcam is kind of tricky especially if you're a newbie to linux, like me. Therefore, I shall be posting solutions to kind of silly mistakes here to ease your efforts.

Problem 1:

Make error:

make[4]: *** No rule to make target `../../lib/jpeg-6b/libjpeg-6b_lpc2106-cmucam3.a', needed by `BES_lpc2106-cmucam3'.  Stop.


step1: login to root

sudo -i

step2: Edit the bashrc file 

gedit .bashrc

(input the paths to the "arm-none-eabi" folder created during the installation of CodeSourcery and lpc21isp by inputting the following lines at the end of file)

export PATH=$PATH: /path where arm-none-eabi is installed

export PATH=$PATH: /path where lpc21isp is installed

step 3: goto the directory where the cmucam3 archive was extracted and then



Tell me if this doesn't work. Use comment to do so and also post the error.