Onkar Raut                                                                     (oraut@uncc.edu)


 To extend my knowledge and skills by working in a firm involved in research and development of embedded systems and related applications in electrical engineering ,thereby involving myself in a learning experience to explore my career options and possibilities



Lecturer, August 2008 till June 2009.

Department Of Instrumentation, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology


Details of Course for Embedded Systems in UNC Charlotte.

Details of practical work covered in Short Term Internship Program on Embedded Systems:


Currently enrolled for Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Embedded Systems G.P.A. : 3.667

University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Courses taken:

Bachelor of Engineering in Instrumentation Engineering, May 2008

University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Graduated with first class.

Courses taken:


Currently involved in:

Implementation of Signal Processing Algorithms on DSP, AVR and M16 microcontrollers

Developing a project that involves implementation of signal processing algorithms primarily Fast Fourier transforms and Z – transforms on digital signal processors such as the CISC TMS32C6713 DSK and high throughput RISC microcontrollers such as AVR and M16C, proceeding to implementation on the ARM microcontroller and implementation of various filters on the same.

Recently developed:

Wireless Quiz System using eZ430-RF2500 module (MSP430F2274 microcontroller and RF module CC2500):

Developed a system of multiple Wireless trans-receivers, using low power micro-controllers, communicating with a single Access point. Each end device sends a packet containing the address and the status of the button on the module. When the button is pressed, the access point stops transmission of all modules until the user of the access point releases all communication by pressing the push button on the access point module. Paper publication for the same scheduled in IEEE Southeast Conference 2010, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Implementation of a 6th order Programmable Digital Filter on AVR, M16 and ARM micro-controllers

Developed a self study project for implementation of digital filters and analyze their working with real time signals. Basic code was written in C for AVR and then adapted to work on M16C and ARM micro-controllers. Also a study was conducted on the effect of microcontroller operational frequency on the operation of the digital filter.

Digital Electronic Compass meter Using AVR Microcontrollers

Developed an interface to CMPS03 electromagnetic compass module to read the value of the current direction of the module through the two wire interface/Inter-Integrated Circuit bus, display it and transmit via UART. This fits on to the guidance system for an autonomous robotic vehicle to help it keep track of the direction.

Mini Project developed during Short Term Internship Program in Embedded Systems:

Security System using USART: Successfully developed a security system that allowed access to change current password, access date and time through the on-board Real-time clock and perform a analog to digital conversion, communicating with the user using USART

Senior Design project:

Weight Based Sorting Conveyor Belt Using Electromagnetic Clutches

Successfully completed designing, assembly and construction, using integrated use of load cell, proximity sensors, relays, timers, electronic and power circuits and mechanical parts provided by F&M Industrial Engineers.